Planning and Development, August 14th 2017

Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

Planning & Development Agenda PDF Planning & Development Agenda PDF

Planning and Development Committee Minutes

  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 14th August 2017
  • in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors Present:

  • Archer A Athwall
  • N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council)
  • G Derrick
  • G Hamilton (Apologies)
  • P Mills
  • R Patten
  • I Wallace (No Apologies given and Not Present)

In Attendance:

Mrs S Clements – Town Clerk

  1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present to the Meeting. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Hamilton. Councillor Wallace was not present and did not send an apology for absence.
  2. Declaration of Interests – There were no declarations of interest made.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 31st July 2017 – These Minutes were received, considered and approved by the Committee, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).
  4. Clerks Report/Update/Matters Arising –

Minute Number 5 79 Dobbs Lane – Breach of Planning and Revisions – The Committee noted that there were no further updates.

  1. Members of the Public –
  2. Copy Letters of Objection/In Support/Observations – The Committee received noted there were no letters of objection.
  3. Schedule of Applications/Proposals – The Committee considered and made its formal comments/recommendations to the Local Planning Authority – (LPA). (Copy in Minute Book).
  4. Schedule of Planning Decisions – The Committee noted the updates. (Copy in Minute Book).
  5. Referral to Planning Committee of the LPA (Local Planning Authority) as opposed to Officer Delegated or The Planning Inspectorate – The Committee noted the following application will be determined by the next LPA’s Planning Committee Meeting:-

Application DC/17/2224/OUT – 165 Main Road – Outline Application – Use of land for the erection of two dwellings with associated garaging/parking (existing single-storey annex to be demolished). Construction of access drive – The Committee is aware that at its Meeting on the 19th June 2017, it considered that this proposal should be refused.

Application DC/17/2905/FUL – 63 Bell Lane – Conversion of double garage into room, replace flat roof with pitch roof to front of property over garage, front hall two storey extension and velux windows to rear main roof, replace windows to front elevation – The Committee is aware that at its Meeting on the 31st July 2017, it considered that this proposal should be agreed. However, the LPA is considering escalating the application to its Planning Committee, where this referral has likely been referred as a result of a local resident’s objections.

  1. Public Inquiry – Appeal Reference: APP/J3530/W/16/3160194: Land to The East of Bell Lane – The Committee noted that the Inquiry closed on the 11th August 2017. Councillor Patten attended on the 8th, 9th and 10th August 2017 on behalf of the Town Council. Jane Cody – a local resident attended the Inquiry on the 8th, 9th and 10th August 2017. On the 11th August 2017 Jane Cody gave a telephone interview to BBC Radio Suffolk and Councillor Patten and the Clerk met at Long Strops and were involved with a live Radio interview. (Councillor Mills attended on the 8th August 2017 in order to support Councillor Patten). The Inspector laid out the timetable of events and stated that he had already conducted an independent site visit. The enquiry began on the 8th August by hearing the opening statements from the two main parties. The LPA then made its case and their lead Officer – Ben Woolnough, was cross-examined by the appellant. On the 9th August Councillor Patten spoke on behalf of the Town Council and refuted evidence that the main parties had agreed upon. Namely that the Appeal site was in a non-sustainable location. She also argued the case for a plan-led development and the principle of Neighbourhood Planning, citing examples of the possible harm in not doing so.

Jane Cody (Local Resident) and Sue Hall (the Town Council’s Transport Liaison Officer and Local Resident) also gave verbal submissions which disputed the appellant’s claim that the Appeal site was non-sustainable. On the 10th August, the Inquiry opened at 9.30am with the statement from the appellant’s chief witness. There was then be the opportunity to cross-examine the witness. A round-table Hearing on the 5 Years Land Supply took place on the 10th August. The appellant has amended its evidence based on the submission of Councillor Patten relating to the nearest dentist. The Inquiry closed on the 10th August 2017. The LPA has advised that the outcome of the Inquiry is likely to be during week commencing the 11th September 2017. The Committee thanked Councillor Patten for the large amount of time expended, her professionalism and expertise in representing the Town Council at the Inquiry. The Committee also expressed its appreciation to Sue Hall and Jane Cody.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan Working Party – The Committee is aware that the next Working Party Meeting will be on Tuesday, 5th September 2017 at 6.30pm at the Town Council offices. Members of the Working Party updated the Committee with regard to the current work in progress following the recent public engagement and consultation sessions.
  2. Adastral Park Development, Martlesham Heath (CEG Planning Application) –The Committee received and noted the latest response from to the LPA from Martlesham Parish Council.
  3. Transport and Pedestrian Matters – The Committee received, considered and agreed, following the vote, the Notes/Minutes (Copies Attached), following on from the last Working Party Meeting held on the 31st July 2017. Councillors noted the following updates and matters arising since the 31st July 2017:-

HGV Learner Vehicle Survey – The Highways Department of the County Council has advised that a “Tube Survey” would be able to differentiate between various types of vehicles and would cost £360. This Survey would give a breakdown of vehicle type and not specific companies, such as those companies who carry out HGV Training. If further Surveys are required thereafter the cost would be £170. The County Council is unable to carry out destination/route Surveys. If this sort of Survey is preferred by the Town Council, then the County Council will provide details of commercial companies who may be able to provide costings. This was a matter raised at the Kesgrave Annual Town Meeting by local residents in April 2017. These details will be brought back to the next Kesgrave Annual Town Meeting in April 2018, for residents to decide if they would wish to progress this Survey any further. It should be noted that the Clerk contacted  three  HGV  testing  companies.  These  were  Essex  Driver,  Felixstowe

Goldstar and Hamilton’s. They all advised that they were only able to use the routes as instructed to them by national government. An email from the relevant national government department to the Town Council confirms this.

“Respect” Cones – The Clerk has contacted Stowmarket Town Council as she was advised via Councillor Comber and the Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Group that Stowmarket have trialled these Cones and this follows the request made by Councillor Comber. Stowmarket Town Council has advised that they have a green painted Respect Zone situated in one of the Mid Suffolk District Council’s car parks in Stowmarket and as far as the Town Council can ascertain there has been a reduction in noise and nuisance behaviour in the area, but this may have coincided with the restaurant chain Prezzo also opening adjacent to the car park. Stowmarket advise that with regard to the Respect Cones, Abbots Hall Primary School in Stowmarket purchased some of these a while ago. The Clerk has contacted Abbots Hall Primary School asking for some feedback.

Cycle Racks Town Council Offices – The Clerk has already updated Jane Cody – Local Resident, who asked for an update about cycle racks installed at the Town Council Offices, where there are four racks. The Clerk is aware that only one or two of these are currently being used at any one time.

Schedule of MeetingsTransport and Pedestrian Working Party Meetings – The Clerk has updated Councillor Becky Patten and explained that she expends a large amount of time progressing various outstanding matters outside of actual meetings. Councillor Patten has asked for an ongoing Agenda to be included on the Town Council’s

Planning and Development Committee Meeting Agenda, so that updates regarding transport and pedestrian matters may be communicated on a more regular basis. As the Transport and Pedestrian Working Party formerly reports to the Council’s Planning and Development Committee Meeting, this makes good sense and will reassure the Town Council that projects are proceeding and being actioned.

Community Speed Watch Scheme – It was noted that asking for additional volunteers’ is an ongoing process. PCSO Sarbutts also proactively asks local people who raise concerns about speeding, if they would be interested in assisting. Under the terms of this scheme, volunteers from Kesgrave assist at Rushmere St Andrew and vice versa. An article will again be included in the next edition of local media releases.

Air Quality Matters – The Clerk has received information from the District Council’s

Environmental Protect Office and this information has been sent out relating to 6 months (Jan-Jun 2017) of monitoring data for sites in Kesgrave, where the District Council are comfortable to disclose these results to the Town Council.

However, there are a couple of very significant caveats with this data, which mean that they are not a valid basis for forming any accurate opinions on the current air quality situation in Kesgrave. The raw results are monthly mean nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations recorded at sites in Kesgrave January – June 2017. The results are expressed as micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3). (These figures have not been adjusted for bias.)

Sinks Pitt Footpath/Rights of Way – The Clerk has liaised and met with Michael Rayment – the Town Council’s Footpath Warden regarding the concerns expressed by Councillor Comber and in readiness for updates at the next Working Party Meeting. Site Meetings are currently being arranged with the County Council, the District Council and Trucks R Us – the owners of Sinks Pitt. Generally, on the matter of Footpaths and Rights of Way, it has been noted that a Waymark or Sign Post is needed almost opposite the Pumphouse. The entrance to the Footpath around the Quarry is not currently a metre wide as required. Clearance of the Footpath around Firecrest Nursery, (Walk 4 of the Parish Walks), Little Bealings is required. The gate of the Footpath needs fixing at the point of joining the path alongside the Park and Ride carpark and there is also some clearance work which is needed along this path. A Footpath Sign is needed at the entrance of the Park and Ride entrance/exit. There is an aluminium sign advertising the Park and Ride on the Footpath. The Sign is needed on the left. There is an obstruction to the Footpath at the A1214 junction opposite Ropes Drive East.

Foxhall Road Safety Issues with Bell Lane – Following some investigative work to Suffolk County Council, the Clerk advised that the Suffolk Roadsafe Board is a non-statutory Board which was created in May 2007 to bring together the main agencies involved in road safety in the county.  It comprises representatives from Suffolk Constabulary, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, the Highways Agency,  the  East  of  England  Ambulance  Service  and  the  Police  and  Crime Commissioner. There is a core of board members who attend the Suffolk Roadsafe Board with additional officer support.  The current elected members are the Chair: Councillor James Finch – Suffolk County Council (Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport).  Members  are:  Tim  Passmore,  Police  and  Crime  Commissioner,  and Councillor Matthew Hicks – Suffolk County Council (Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Protection). The aim of the partnership is to make the roads of Suffolk safer for all, with each of the partners having specific duties and capabilities.  The Board’s function is to oversee the strategy development and implementation, and ensure there is co-ordination between the partners.  This means that, particularly in a time of restrained budgets, the most efficient use of resources can be achieved. Details of the road    safety   strategy    can    be    found    at and information about casualties can be found at If the Town Council require details of recorded accidents in Kesgrave then Crashmap is a good starting point. The County Council has more detailed information.

Suffolk County Council Highways Department – In due course and once the Highways Department restructure is embedded, (end of September 2017), a request to the County Council for an organisational structure chart for the Highways and Transportation Team and so the Working Party can understand the differences.

Ropes Drive – Cycle Track Markings, Highways Ref 176692 – St William Court, Ropes Drive/Main Road, Kesgrave – The County Council Highways advised on the 11th August 2017 that there is no planned date or indication of any date for this work.

Cycle Track Markings Generally – The County Council Highways advised on the 11th August 2017 that there will be no planned work until after the 4th September 2017 when the Officer Restructure has been completed and finalised.

Dodson Vale – The Clerk has asked for the overgrown vegetation to be cut back.

Foxhall Road Safety Issues with Bell Lane Following an enquiry from the Town Council, it seems unlikely that the County Council will make any highway safety measures at this junction unless the Planning Inspectorate agrees to the proposal for 300 dwellings off of Bell Lane. (The Public Inquiry is currently underway – 8th – 11th August 2017). The Highway Authority currently has no budget for any adjustments at this junction.

Brightwell, Foxhall and Purdis Farm Parish Council Brightwell, Foxhall and Purdis Farm Parish Council via the Transport and Pedestrian Working Party has asked this Council’s Town Clerk to action various matters on its behalf, which has clearly added to her workload pressures. This Council’s Clerk has actioned the following items:

  • Ask the County Council to provide a quotation for the rewording of the signage to explain the request to have vehicle lights on at the Foxhall Road junction with Bell Lane.
  • The request for a replacement of the existing sign and a new sign at the above junction.
  • A quotation from the County Council to change the speed limits in this area.
  • A request for the County Council to confirm the rural classification of this road (Foxhall Road junction with Bell Lane).
  • Asking the County Council to cut back vegetation to improve visibility at the junction.
  • The Town Clerk has also escalated and reported to the Enforcement Team at the LPA the alleged unauthorised advertising signage (A Boards) at the said junction. The LPA confirmed on the 10th August 2017 that the Enforcement Team will investigate this alleged breach further.
  1. East Anglia Three Offshore Wind Farm – The Committee noted that this application has now been approved by the Secretary of State. The cables will run through Martlesham, Great and Little Bealings, Playford, Culpo and Tuddenham.
  2. Application DC/17/2065/FUL – 1 St Lawrence Green – Single storey side/rear extension & side extension at first floor level & associated alterations – The Committee is aware that at its Meeting on the 5th June 2017, it recommended refusal. The Clerk advised the Meeting that this proposal was considered at the LPA’s Referral

Panel on the 8th August 2017. It was agreed that the application will be delegated to Officers for determination. LPA Officers have agreed that the proposal is policy compliant under DM21, and the concerns regarding the drop kerb have been overcome by the amended plans. Therefore, the LPA consider there is no justification to require the item to be taken to its next Planning Committee.

  1. Date of Next Meeting – The next Planning and Development Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, 4th September 2017 at 6.15pm.
  2. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Councillor Archer asked for an item to be included on the next agenda relating to the adopted Local Plan and Policies. Councillor Patten asked for an agenda item relating to the LPA Issues and Options Site document, which is due to be issued on the 18th August 2017.

There being no other business, the Meeting closed at 7.02pm.


Signed: Chairman………………………………………. Date……………………

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