Planning and Development, December 11th 2017

Agenda items

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

Planning & Development Agenda PDFPlanning & Development Minutes PDF


Planning and Development Committee Minutes

  • Agenda of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Monday, 11th December 2017 at 6.15pm
  • in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council
  • Associated files (Schedule of Applications/Proposals)

Planning and Development Committee Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 11th December 2017

Councillors Present:

  • K Archer (Vice Chair of the Committee)
  • A Athwall
  • Beecroft-Smith
  • G Derrick
  • G Hamilton
  • C Marsh
  • P Mills (Chair of the Committee)
  • R Patten

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements – Town Clerk
  1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present at the Meeting, including Councillor Marsh to her first Planning and Development Committee Meeting as a new Town Councillor.
  2. Declaration of Interests – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 27th November 2017 – These Minutes were received, considered and approved by the Committee, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).
  4. Clerks Report/Update/Matters Arising – There were no updates/matters arising.
  5. Members of the Public – There were no members of the public present.
  6. Copy Letters of Objection/In Support/Observations – The Committee noted that no letters have been received directly by the Town Council.
  7. Schedule of Applications/Proposals – The Committee considered and made its formal comments/recommendations to the Local Planning Authority – (LPA). (Copy in Minute Book).
  8. Schedule of Planning Decisions – The Committee noted the updates. (Copy in Minute Book).
  9. Referral to Planning Committee of the LPA (Local Planning Authority) as opposed to Officer Delegated or The Planning Inspectorate – The Committee noted;
  • DC/17/4240/FUL – 14 Wainwright Way – Two storey side extension and rear extension – At its Planning and Development Committee Meeting on the 13th November 2017, it was considered that this proposed two-storey side extension and rear extension should be refused. This is on the grounds of concerns about parking at the front of the property, where the parking space will reduce from 2 to 1.


The Committee did not wish to encourage any additional off-street parking. The dwelling was originally a small 2 bedroomed property and the original garage has already been removed to facilitate additional living space. This proposal was considered at the LPA Referral Panel on the 28th November 2017, where it considered that this proposal was in accordance with relevant planning policies with no overriding matters that would require the further debate of the LPA Planning Committee. Therefore, the Planning Committee Chair and Vice-Chair directed that the application could be delegated to the Head of Planning Services for determination and subsequent approval.

  • DC/17/4604/FUL Kesgrave Hall – This project seeks to provide a Health Spa for Milsoms Hotel at Kesgrave Hall. The facility will provide staff and ancillary accommodation to support 5 health treatment rooms, visitor changing and shower provision and a light cafe facility with indoor and outdoor lounge facilities for hotel guests and visitors. At its Planning and Development Committee Meeting on the 27th November 2017, approval was recommended. The Committee considered that the proposed Heath Spa is unlikely to have any adverse impact on the visual amenity and character of the area and would appear to be in keeping with the area. There does not appear to be any breach of local or national planning policies. Clearly the Conservation Officer at the LPA would need to ensure that the Grade II Listed Building is protected and enhanced. This building forms an important part of our local heritage in Kesgrave and the surrounding area and the proposed project should not have any adverse effect on the continued protection and preservation of Kesgrave Hall. The Committee noted the TPO (Tree Preservation Tree Order) trees which are to be felled for this proposal. However, the Committee now notes that Planning Officers from the LPA are minded to refuse the application on the following grounds: The site is quite important both in terms of historical and landscape character, hosting a Grade II listed building and a fairly extensive woodland protected by Tree Preservation Orders. Officers are essentially supportive of the principle of enhancing the tourism offer at the site but this has to be compatible with the sensitive characteristics of the site. The proposal is in a location of a large ‘block’ in a landscaped setting close to the site entrance. LPA Officers, in consultation with Principal Design & Conservation Officer and the Arboriculture & Landscape Manager of the LPA, consider that the development would have a deleterious effect on the landscape character of the site which would be at a detriment to the setting of the listed Hall. Unless the application is substantially amended, Officers cannot support a scheme that would give rise to such harm. The Clerk was asked to make contact with the LPA regarding this proposal and the scheme of delegation.
  1. Neighbourhood Plan Working Party – The Committee noted that the majority of the questionnaires have now been collected and the next Working Party Meeting is on Monday, 18th December 2017 at 6.15pm at the Town Council offices, when some of the responses can be reviewed and the analysing process can begin.
  2. Adastral Park Development, Martlesham Heath (CEG Planning Application) –The Committee noted the update from Councillor Patten following her attendance (with Councillor Comber), on the 8th December 2017 at the Pre-Application Meeting with the LPA and other Parish/Town Councils. The Committee received and noted Martlesham

Parish Council’s Adastral Park Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Consultation response in relation to The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 – Regulation 61- Assessment of implications for European sites.


Councillor Patten reminded the Committee about the County Council’s formal response and its concerns about the impact that the proposed development will have on the surrounding road network including Foxhall Road, Dobbs Lane and Bell Lane. It was agreed that that these matters need to be mitigated. The scheme currently proposes a speed reduction of 50 mph (miles per hour) along Foxhall Road. It was felt that this should be at least 40 mph in this area and 30 mph from the Ipswich end to Bell Lane and 40mph to the roundabout and the A12. Councillor Patten advised the Committee that the majority of Parish Councils have raised similar concerns. The Committee was disappointed to note that air quality details have been omitted, including the data from the receptor at Bell Public Inn, Bell Lane. It was noted with concern that the traffic modelling and timings exiting from Grange Farm have been estimated from the current time of 3 minutes to 9 minutes. Following the vote, it was agreed to consider the formal recommendations of Martlesham Parish Council and to respond back to the LPA by the deadline of the 22nd December 2017. It was noted that the LPA Officer will submit a Report on this proposal by the 5th January 2018 and then following various meetings thereafter, a decision should be made after the 15th January 2018. It was noted that the next stage thereafter, is to set up an Adastral Development stakeholder group which will feed into the design process and will mean various rounds of formal consultation.

  1. Transport and Pedestrian Matters – The Committee received and noted as follows:
  • Kesgrave High School Proposed Traffic Regulation Order – The Committee noted that correspondence has been received from the High School (1st December 2017), confirming that the School is not pursuing this matter any further, due to the lack of funding. The Order would cost in excess of £8,000. The School consider that this is a County Council Highways matter now, as the School has no funds to support any highway changes. The District Council has advised that because of the pending transfer of car parking services from the County to the District Council, there will be no new yellow line markings and the County will only maintain the lines which are already in existence
  • Community Transport (via BSEVC) – The Committee noted that three volunteers have so far agreed to assist with this scheme.
  1. Long Strops – Land off of Bell Lane – The Committee received, considered and noted the challenge for a Judicial Review regarding the appeal from Persimmon Homes Ltd. It was agreed following the vote, that the Town Council would completely uphold the decision, where it fully supports the decision of the Secretary of State. The Clerk was asked to reaffirm this to the LPA.
  2. Date of Next Meeting – The next Planning and Development Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, 8th January 2018 at 6.15pm.
  3. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – No items were raised. There being no other business, the Meeting closed at 7pm.

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