Planning and Development, July 3rd 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Planning and Development Committee Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 3rd July 2017 in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors Present: K Archer A Athwall N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) G Derrick G Hamilton P Mills R Patten (Apologies) I Wallace (No Apologies given and Not Present)

  • In Attendance: Mrs S Clements – Clerk  
  • 14 Members of the Public

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present to the Meeting. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Patten and Councillor Wallace was not present and did not send his apologies for absence.

2. Declaration of Interests – There were no declarations of interest made.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 19th June 2017 – These Minutes were received, considered and approved by the Committee, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).

4. Clerks Report/Update/Matters Arising Minute Number 13 – Enforcement – Breach of Planning Permission – 79 Dobbs Lane – The Committee noted that the LPA has received a retrospective planning application in relation to this breach.

5. Members of the Public – Members of the Public spoke about their respective concerns relating to DC/17/2437/FUL – 67 Holly Road – Erection of single storey front, side and rear extension (including reconstruction of roof to attic accommodation) – amended and reduced scheme to that refused under Planning Permission DC/17/1143/FUL. Members of the Public considered that erection of this proposal will be contrary to Policies Numbered DM21 (Design Aesthetics, good visual design and layout) and DM23 (Residential Amenity – access, daylight and sunlight and the physical relationship with other properties). The proposed development would result in a cramped form of development, be out of character with the street scene and reduce the residential amenity. The revised scheme does not appear to have addressed previous concerns raised and the application is quite misleading. The cramped plot and the proposed development would result in quite a large house in this area of bungalows in view of the height proposed and would exceed the footprint of the existing building going right up to the edge of other neighbouring boundaries. Loss of light would adversely affect nearby residents and in particular it would block the light of the property which would face the garage of the proposed scheme. Local residents also had concerns about the access and drainage matters/infrastructure. The applicant also spoke, but in favour of the application/proposal and addressed the Committee and Members of the Public. 2

6. Copy Letters of Objection/In Support/Observations – The Committee noted the various letters of objections which have been received relating to DC/17/2437/FUL – 67 Holly Road, as detailed in Minute Number 5 and Minute Number 7.

7. Schedule of Applications/Proposals – The Committee considered and made its formal comments/recommendations to the Local Planning Authority – (LPA). (Copy in Minute Book).

8. Schedule of Planning Decisions – The Committee noted the updates. (Copy in Minute Book).

9. Referral to Planning Committee of the LPA (Local Planning Authority) as opposed to Officer Delegated or The Planning Inspectorate – The Committee noted that there were no new updates.

10. Public Inquiry – Appeal Reference: APP/J3530/W/16/3160194: Land to The East of Bell Lane – The Committee noted that there were no recent updates, apart from those relating to air quality and included within Minute Number 12 of these Minutes.

11. Neighbourhood Plan – The Committee noted that the final arrangements for the public engagement sessions have been made for Tuesday 4th July 2017 at the Kesgrave Scout Hall from 7pm – 9pm, Thursday 6 th July 2017 at the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) from 7pm – 9pm and Saturday 8th July 2017 at the Baptist Church Hall from 10am – 12 noon. It was also noted that the next Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Meeting will be held on Monday, 17th July 2017 at 7.15pm at the Town Council offices.

12. Adastral Park Development, Martlesham Heath (CEG Planning Application) – Councillors received and noted the Report following on from Town Councillor Patten’s Meeting regarding air quality held on Friday 30th June at the District Council offices. Following the vote, the Committee agreed with Councillor Patten’s comments and recommendations. They noted that the proposed development at Adastral Park is that the junction at Bell Lane/A1214 be assessed for predicted levels of Nitrogen Dioxide in line with the recommendation contained within the Scoping Response from the District Council. (Full details within Councillor Patten’s Report). Parish Councillor Denton of Martlesham Parish Council invited a representative of the Town Council to join his meeting with District Council Officers in order to advance the Town Council’s understanding of the air quality modelling carried out for the planning application of 2000 homes at Adastral Park, Martlesham. Contained within the planning application DC/17/1435/OUT is the Updated Air Quality ES Chapter and Appendices prepared by Brookbanks Consulting Ltd (BCL). Within this Report are Table 6.10 and Figure 6.1. which are included in the Report for reference but should be studied in conjunction with the full Air Quality ES. The Committee noted that the junction at Bell Lane/A1214 was not included within this Report. The Officer of East Suffolk Council Environmental Services is waiting for the updated Report from Suffolk County Council’s (SCC) Highways Department before studying the Air Quality ES in detail. The accuracy of the air quality modelling carried out for this application is dependent on the input of accurate traffic and congestion figures. The Committee also noted that Councillor Patten has requested on behalf of the Town Council that the junction at Bell Lane/A1214 is modelled for any impact on air quality in line with the recommendation contained within Appendix B2 Scoping Response from 3 Suffolk Coastal District Council’s Environmental Services Department which states “Essentially, but not exclusively, we would expect to see the following:…… impact of traffic from the operational phase on local residential receptors –particularly in Woodbridge Town Centre and the A1214 through Kesgrave and particularly the junction with Bell Lane.” The Air Quality ES for Adastral Park takes into account planned and proposed developments within the area of the planning application. The Committee noted that Councillor Patten has asked the Project Officer of the LPA to cross reference the air quality assessment for the proposed 300 homes at Bell Lane with the ES for Adastral Park to ensure consistency of the model used to predict future air quality in Kesgrave. Councillors are aware that Parish Councillor Denton has requested that the air quality in Martlesham Heath be monitored at the points nearest to the A12. Parish Councillor Denton raised the matter of PM10 and PM2.5, levels of which are not monitored by the District Council. One of the District Council Officer’s spoke of her previous experience working with Ipswich Borough Council and explained that PM10 and PM2.5 are monitored nationally and that outside an urban/industrial setting it was not considered necessary to measure local levels.(Copy of Notes of 30th June 2017 Air Quality Meeting in Minute Book).

13. Date of Next Meeting – The next Planning and Development Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, 17th July 2017 at 6.15pm.

14. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Members had no requests for items to discuss at the next Meeting. There being no other business, the Meeting closed at 6.47pm.

Signed: Chairman………………………………………. Date……………………

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february, 2025

12feb1:00 pm- 3:00 pmTea Parties 2025Date for your diary

17feb6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

17feb7:15 pmKesgrave Town Council Meeting