Full Town Council Meeting, January 16th 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 16th January 2017 in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors: A Athwall K Archer N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) R Bridgeman A Comber D Fairbrother S Fairbrother G Hamilton (Apologies) S Lawson G Lynch J Ogden (Vice-Chairman of the Council) P Mills R Spittle (Apologies) I Wallace (Apologies)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements (Town Clerk)
  • Mrs D Jimpson (Business and Development Manager)
  • District Councillor McCallum County Councillor Whiting (From Minute No 6)
  • Three Members of the Public

1. Welcome and to Receive Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Meeting, including Mr Geraint Derrick who is interested in the coopted Town Councillor casual vacancy. Apologies for absence were received from Town Councillors Hamilton, Spittle and Wallace, District Councillor Mower and County Councillor Hudson.

2. Declarations of Interest – The following Declarations of Interest were made. The Chairman reminded Councillors that they should regularly review their respective Register of Interests. (Full details in the Interest Book). Name of Member Type of Interest Details about Interest Minute Number Details in Interest Book Town Councillor Ogden NonPecuniary Suffolk Libraries Ips. Ltd. 13 (Schedule of Accounts) Yes

3. Minutes of the last Full Town Council Meeting held on the 5th December 2016. These Minutes were received, considered and agreed, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book). 2

4. Clerks Report/Update Matters Arising Minute Number 4 – Speed Watch Scheme – Councillors noted that Playford Parish Council has Resolved not to join this partnership scheme and that the partnership will now be between Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council and Kesgrave Town Council, with funding from County Councillor Whiting’s County Council Locality Budget.  Matters Arising Minute Number 11 – Finance and Governance Committee Meeting 28th November 2016 – Grants – Councillors were pleased to note that the Grant to the 1st Kesgrave Scout Group for the Kesgrave Community Christmas Lunch event on Christmas Day was a great success, with 25 guests attending. Councillors congratulated the volunteers for organising and coordinating this event.

5. Chairman’s Communications – The Chairman – Town Councillor BeecroftSmith was pleased to report that over the Christmas and New Year period there was little or no anti-social behaviour. He was also encouraged about the general low anti-social behaviour in the Town as a result of PCSO Sarbutts adopting a zero-tolerance approach. Councillor Beecroft-Smith was pleased to advise that there are currently no anti-social behaviour issues at the Millennium Jubilee Hall Car Park, which appears to indicate that the recently installed gate and barriers are working really well. He was also pleased to report that various letters of thanks have been received from local residents who live near to this area. Councillor Beecroft-Smith wished to convey to Mr J Collins, one of our Caretaker/Litter Pickers, a healthy and happy retirement and he thanked Mr Collins for his invaluable hard work, expertise and commitment to the Council and Town, during his service. The Chairman advised that the Town Council is awaiting an update regarding the Public Inquiry dates and timings following the Appeal on the proposal on land off of Bell Lane for 300 new houses in the Town. This Council has reaffirmed its strong objection to the Planning Inspectorate at the Secretary of State’s Office on behalf of local residents. Councillor Beecroft-Smith emphasised that planning applications like this make the emerging Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan even more important to Kesgrave. He also emphasised that it is a key, vital document that can be referred to even when it is emerging. The Neighbourhood Plan gives the Town Council a more powerful voice, where the adopted Plan needs to be considered for any development and planning applications, alongside the Local Development Plan and National Planning Policies. Councillor Beecroft-Smith advised Councillors that he is relying on some proactive assistance from them to steer this Plan through to completion. The Chairman of the Council hopes that he can rely on Councillors support for the benefit of the future of the Town and local people.

6. Members of the Public – During the Meeting, Mr Geraint Derrick a member of the public, spoke about his background and his interest in being considered for the co-opted Town Councillor casual vacancy under Agenda item 11. (Mr Derrick’s Resume has already been received and noted by the Town Council). 3

7. County and District Councillors Reports – Councillors received and noted the written reports, verbal presentations and asked questions and points of clarification. (Copies with Minute Book). Councillors noted that County Councillors Hudson and Whiting’s latest joint written Report is to follow. Town and District Councillor Lawson’s written Report was received and noted. His Report included details about meetings that he has attended, his congratulations and thanks to Town Council Officers (Mrs Abbott and Mrs Marsh), for their hard work with the play equipment project at Oaks Meadow. The opportunities within his Enabling Communities Budget (ECB) for local clubs and community organisations to bid for funding, where he still has some funds available, and also his thanks to Spark (Sports and Recreation in Kesgrave), for supporting various community projects in Kesgrave. Town and District Councillor Lawson referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written report below. County Councillor Whiting arrived at this point. County Councillor Whiting addressed the Meeting and updated Councillors regarding the drainage project which is being undertaken in Kesgrave, the fact that the County Council’s Budget and Council Tax has not increased for the 7 th year in a row. National Government permitting the County Council to raise an Adult Social Care Precept. The County Council’s Cabinet Meeting which is scheduled for next week, the County’s £6 million overspend, which equates to only around 1% excess generally. The A1214 congestion issues during rushhour traffic at the junction of Doctor Watsons Lane and the consultation exercise, where the deadline is the 3rd February 2017 for responses regarding the right hand turn access towards Playford. The Kiln Farm Traffic Island Highways Scheme has now progressed to the order stage at a cost of some £30,000, where County Councillor Locality Budget support to assist with funding has been secured. County Councillor Locality Budget support has also been received for the Joint Community Speed Watch with Rushmere St Andrew and Kesgrave, which is progressing. Town and District Councillor Lynch’s written report was received and noted. His report included details about the meetings that he had attended, including the Flagship Meeting and a home visit to assist a resident with submitting a rehousing application. Town and District Councillor Lynch referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written Report below. District Councillor Mower’s written Report was received and noted, including updates on key Suffolk Coastal District Council Meetings, the Capital Programme for 2017/18 to 2020/21, where external funding will be sought, together with disposal of surplus assets, whilst protecting frontline services and provision of more affordable homes, Suffolk Coastal being the strongest economy in Suffolk. Investment in local communities to enable them to flourish, the Merger decision between Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils – which will be considered at the Cabinet Meeting on the 23rd January 2017. 4 The subsequent full Council Meeting on the 26th January 2017. The Special Cabinet Meeting on the 31st January 2017 to determine the District Council’s response to the Sizewell C Stage 2 public consultation. The beach hut consultation update. Budget updates – including the Enabling Communities Agenda, which aims to provide essential grants and support to help make communities stronger, whilst maintaining services and protecting the tax payer from excessive increases in Council tax and car parking improvements in the District. District Councillor McCallum advised Councillors that she supports the proposed changes to Doctor Watsons Lane. District Councillor McCallum advised the Meeting that details about dates, timings and venue are currently awaited regarding the imminent Public Inquiry relating to the Appeal and the outline planning application, where 300 dwellings are proposed by the applicant on Land off of Bell Lane, Kesgrave. She advised that under the terms of her District Councillor Enabling Communities Budget (ECB), she still has some funds remaining. District Councillor McCallum advised Councillors that the pothole issues in Bell Lane have now been resolved and that the Kesgrave 5k Fun Run is scheduled to take place on Sunday, 7th May 2017. District Councillor McCallum also referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written Report as detailed above.

8. Air Quality Control – The Council noted that a new nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube (to be funded by the District Council), will be positioned at the Bell Inn Public House, in accordance with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) guidelines. Councillors also noted the purchase of two further monitoring devices to be installed at the western side of Bell Lane and the western side of Dobbs Lane, in view of the air pollution issues and concerns in these areas, in particular during the months of January and February. The total expenditure of £86.40 was noted. The monitoring is over a period of 1 year, where calculations will be made in accordance with the latest published Defra figures during March/April 2018.

9. Match-Funded PCSO Shift Patterns and Reports – December 2016 – Councillors noted the PCSO report for December 2016. (Copy in Minute Book). Councillors noted the challenges following the new way of policing following the Suffolk Local Policing Review and that the outcome of the six-monthly review of the new policing model currently awaited, which will include the PCSO shift pattern review. The Council also noted that more fixed penalty notices have been issued at the Schools, including a public order offence, advisory letters via Schools Parent-Mail have been sent informing of a zero-tolerance approach. Monitoring of anti-social behaviour (noise disturbance and litter) at the underpass at Ropes Drive, near to Kesgrave Library. No reported anti-social behaviour issues following installation of the barrier at the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) Car Park. Liaising with local residents regarding parking issues and in particular in the area near to the Orthodontist at Bell Lane, following the closure of the privately owned Long Strops Car Park, where verbal guidance has been issued to those parking illegally, with any further issues moving towards a zerotolerance approach. Antisocial behaviour of three car drivers in the car park of Tesco Metro, Ropes Drive where warnings have been issued, following the outcome of two independent witnesses identifying the issues at Tesco. Abstractions away from Kesgrave following the recent murders in Ipswich, general crime enquiries, various motoring offences and attendance at road traffic collisions. 5

10. Fully Funded PCSO – Budget 2017-2018 – Councillors noted that at its full Parish Council Meeting on the 12th January 2017, Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council Resolved to fund the role of a PCSO in partnership with this Town Council. Further details will follow shortly.

11. Safer Neighbourhood Parking Notice Letter – Councillors received and noted the letter and email regarding this matter and the fact that Suffolk Police advise’ that it is prudent for Police only to issue such notices and not individual Town Councillors or Officers.

12. Co-Opted Town Councillor Vacancies– Councillors considered the co-opted casual vacancy as a result of Town Councillor Thomas’s resignation due to him moving away from the area. Following the application and interest expressed from local resident Mr Geraint Derrick, Councillors received and noted Mr Derrick’s Resume. Following the vote, it was agreed that Mr Derrick be co-opted to the Town Council under the terms of the casual vacancy, where it was considered that his experience and skills set will compliment, and enhance those of existing Town Councillors. Councillors noted that Town Councillor Goodchild has issued her formal written resignation as a result of her ill-health. The Returning Officer at the District Council has been informed and the statutory notices have been displayed in relation to this vacancy. This matter will be considered at the next full Town Council Meeting on the 13th February 2017. If a casual vacancy for a co-opted Town Councillor exists, (providing a by-election is not to be called), then any interested applicants will be considered at the said meeting on the 13th February 2017.

13. Finance and Governance  Schedule of Accounts – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, payments in the sum of £62,804.21. Councillors noted the schedule of receipts since the previous meeting. (Copy with Minute Book).  BUDGET & PRECEPT 2017/2018 – The Town Council, following the vote, RESOLVED/AGREED the Precept, in conjunction with is Agreed Budget for 1 st April 2017 – 31st March 2018 in the sum of £257,400. This is based on 4,748.38 Band D equivalent properties.

14. Planning and Development Committee Meetings Minutes – 5 th December 2016 and 19th December 2016 – Councillors received and agreed/noted the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on the 5th December 2016 and the 19th December 2016. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book). The Chairman of the Committee – Town Councillor Mills, advised the Council that there are currently vacancies within this Committee.

15. Community Services Matters – There were no updates.

16. Report from the Clerk and Press Officer – Councillors received an update, including the latest local publications, press, radio and social media articles and photograph details. These included: an advertisement for the appointment of a job-share Caretaker/Litter Picker, following the retirement of one of our officers, the Annual Town Meeting on the 3rd April 2017 at the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) at 7.15pm, an 6 update on the Play and Open Spaces Working Party, including the imminent installation of play equipment at Oak Meadow. Discussions with the District Council about possible adoption of Holly Gardens Play Area. The success of the installation of the gate at the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) Car Park. The next Kesgrave Indoor Market during the morning of the 18th February 2017 and thanks to volunteers and sponsors and encouraging new stall holders. Town Councillor update and a warm welcome to new Town Councillor Hamilton. The imminent Public Inquiry regarding Appeal by the applicant regarding the outline planning application for 300 new dwellings proposed on land off of Bell Lane. The PCSO monthly news update, Air Quality update, Lost bicycle update, Refreshment vehicle at the MJH, Dog Fouling reminders and thanks to the volunteers of the well-attended Evening or Reflection in December.

17. Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) Suffolk Coastal Area Meeting – 12th December 2016 – Councillors received and noted the report, as prepared by Councillor Archer, the Council’s SALC Representative. (Copy with Minute Book).

18. Chairman/Clerk Other/Urgent Communications – The following was received and noted: Temporary Traffic Signals – Main Road, Ropes Drive, Kesgrave – Councillors noted that the signals will be in place from the 23rd – 25th January 2017 from 7pm – 5am.

19. Reinstatement of Footway/Verges – Outside of Number 62 Edmonton Road, Kesgrave – Councillors noted that this work is scheduled to take place from the 16th – 18th January 2017, where there will be two-way temporary traffic signals in place.

20. Newsletters & Circulars – the latest publications were received and noted:-  Kesgrave News – latest edition. Kesgrave Flyer – latest edition.  In-Touch Magazine – latest edition.

21. Resolution to exclude the Public and the Press – The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Council considered and agreed to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.

22. Confidential Minutes of the full Town Council Meeting held on the 5th December 2016 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the Confidential Minutes of the full Town Council held on the 5th December 2016. (Minutes Attached).

23. Town Councillor Illness – The Council is asked to receive and note the update regarding this matter, in confidence and sensitivity, following the last Meeting held on the 5th December 2016. 7 Date of the next Full Town Council Meeting – Monday, 13th February 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council Offices. This part of the Meeting concluded in order to facilitate the second and confidential section of the Meeting in order to consider and agree the confidential matters.

Chairman ……………………………………………………..Date………………………

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