Community and Recreation, March 20th 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Community and Recreation Committee Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Community and Recreation Committee held on the 20 March 2017 at Kesgrave Town Council Offices

Councillors Present: Councillor A Comber (Chair of this Committee) Councillor G Lynch Councillor J Ogden Councillor S Fairbrother Councillor D Fairbrother Councillor R Bridgeman (Vice-Chair of this Committee) Councillor G Derrick Councillor G Hamilton

In Attendance:

  • Mrs Diane Jimpson (Finance and Development Manager)
  • Mrs Chris Marsh (Service Development Co-ordinator)
  • Councillor N Beecroft-Smith
  • Apologies: Councillor S Lawson

1. Welcome and Apologies for absence – The Chair welcomed those present. Apologies for absence were received as noted above.

2. Declaration of interests – Noted in the declaration of interests folder. Non Pecuniary – Item 8 Councillors Comber and Ogden. Item 10 Councillor Hamilton

3. Minutes of the last meeting – The Minutes of the Extraordinary Community and Recreation Committee Meeting held on the 30 January 2017 were received, considered and approved. (Copy with Minutes).

4. Officers report/update/matters arising – Mrs Jimpson reported that the Christmas Ice Skating event would now be fully funded by the District Councillors enabling budgets. She also reported that Kiln Farm would be asked if they would be willing to donate a Christmas tree which would be placed at the Town Council Office.

5. Members of the public – there were no members of the public present.

6. Youth Club – o The Tuesday Youth Club leader provided a verbal report on this terms sessions. Attendance was averaging 25 a week, the new youth worker was proving to be an asset to the club. They would be attending two school assemblies next week to encourage more young people to attend. o The letter for the annual SPARK grant for the Youth Club had not yet been sent due to the current closure of the Thursday night club. After the vote it was agreed that the letter should be sent requesting the full £6,000. o The budget report was received and the year-end projection was noted. 2

7. MJH – o Bookings at 54% of capacity on weekdays during term time. New classes booked on Wednesday morning (baby & toddler) and Thursday evening (fitness). Friday evening sessions now available due to Hive cancelling their Youth Club booking. Signs erected to request considerate parking, and that only hirers/staff should park next to the building. o Letter received for cleaning service, costs will increase by 5% for 2017-18. o MSG maintenance (grass cutting, pitch marking etc.) will see no price increase for 2017-18. o Martlesham & Kesgrave playgroup letter was discussed, after the vote it was agreed that as they currently receive a discount on hall hire charges it would not be appropriate to offer any further discount. o The budget report was received and the year-end projection was noted.

8. Kesgrave Market – o Good attendance at March market, grant of £1,000 received from SPARK for 2017-18. Market manager to contact HAART for continued hall sponsorship. A request has been sent to ‘Love My Market’ for advertising flags, stickers, bags. Councillor Comber reported that some of the monthly signs had been removed/taken, and it was agreed that the posters/banners should be revamped. o The budget report was received and the year-end projection was noted.

9. Cemetery contractor – After the vote it was agreed to extend the contract for a further 12 months.

10. Kesgrave Big Lunch Fun Day 10 June 2017 – Preparations for the event continue, 15 Residents/Councillors and the Library have agreed to have the “For Sale” boards on their front gardens to advertise the event from the end of April until the day. Designs have been created for posters to advertise, “In Touch With” have agreed to an advert on their back page for May edition at cost but to provide a free pull-out programme in their June edition for which they will sell local advertising. Cllr. Hamilton advised that Happi Days will not be available to help organise the Dog Show, other arrangements are being made.

11. Senior Citizen’s Outing 16 August 2017 – The Hut in Felixstowe, and the Coaches have been booked, a poll in the Kesgrave News on whether to have Afternoon Tea or Fish and Chips had been emphatic for Fish and Chips.

12. Battle’s Over – A Nation’s tribute 11 November 2018 – Councillor Ogden made a presentation regarding the national event to light Beacons at 7pm on 11 November 2018. Each Beacon would cost approximately £3,000 (including gas) and the suggestion was that it could be placed on Legion Green near the War Memorial. It was agreed following the vote that the Council should participate in this event and that the Kesgrave RBL, and All Saints Church should be contacted to agree the location of the Beacon and details for the lighting ceremony.

13. Play Areas, Open Spaces, inc. Oak Meadow The Exercise equipment is in place on Oak Meadow, the Play equipment has been delayed because a further 3 pieces have been added to our order thanks to Cllr S Lawson Community Budget. It is anticipated that all equipment will be in by the end of April. A tarmac path to the entrance has been agreed at Full Council. SCDC have not reported back on the possible adoption of Holly Gardens play area. 3

14. Kesgrave Big Tidy Up & Love East Suffolk Litter Pick Scheme – After the vote it was agreed in principle that this event should be arranged for 20 May, subject to clashing with any major event.

15. Tesco Land – It was confirmed that the Council are not currently pursuing the purchase of this land.

16. Memorial Bench – After the vote it was agreed that following all required approvals the bench could be placed in the public open space at the end of Largent Grove.

17. Suggestions for the Press and Media – None made.

18. Matters of sufficient urgency and importance – None reported.

19. Agenda items for next meeting – No items suggested.

20. Date of Next Meeting – It was noted that this is scheduled for Monday, 22nd May at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber at the Town Council Offices. The meeting closed at 8pm.

Signed: Chairman………………………………………..Date……………………

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Up and coming meetings

july, 2024

15jul6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

20jul9:00 am- 12:00 pmKesgrave MarketCome and try your local Town Market

22jul7:15 pmKesgrave Town Council Meeting

29jul6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting