Annual Town Council Meeting 2017

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

Minutes of the Annual Full Town Council Meeting held on

    • 15th May 2017
    • in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Download Annual Meeting Minutes 2017


  • Archer A Athwall
  • N Beecroft-Smith (New Chairman)
  • R Bridgeman
  • A Comber
  • G Derrick
  • D Fairbrother
  • S Fairbrother
  • G Hamilton (Apologies)
  • S Lawson
  • G Lynch (Apologies)
  • J Ogden (Resigned)
  • P Mills
  • R Patten (New Vice Chairman)
  • R Spittle
  • I Wallace

In Attendance:
Mrs S Clements (Town Clerk).
Mrs D Jimpson (Business and Finance Manager).
County Councillor Whiting
Four Members of the Public, including Ms Sue Hall, Public Transport Liaison Officer –
Kesgrave Town Council.
PCSO Sarbutts and PC Gooch

  1. Election of a Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Councillor Beecroft-Smith was proposed, seconded and subsequently duly elected to serve as Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year, following the vote.
  2. Election of Vice Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Councillor Patten was proposed, seconded and subsequently duly elected to serve as Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year, following the vote.
  3. Welcome and to Receive Apologies for Absence – Councillor Beecroft-Smith thanked Councillors for electing him to serve as Chairman for the ensuing year and welcomed everybody to the Annual Full Town Council Meeting. He congratulated Councillor Patten as new Vice Chairman of the Council.
    • Apologies for absence were received from Town Councillor Hamilton, Town and District Councillor Lynch, District Councillors McCallum and Mower.
    • An Apology for absence was also received from Mr Charles Rayworth (Spark) – Agenda Item numbered 16.
  4. Appointment and Composition of Town Council Committees (Planning & Development, Finance & Governance (including HR) and Community and Recreation) Councillors completed and submitted their respective Committee Preference Forms in advance of this Meeting. The composition and membership of Councillors serving on the said Committees was subsequently agreed, following the vote. (The Election of Chair and Vice Chair for these Committees will be the first items of business at the first relevant Committee Meetings). (Full details with the Minute Book).
  5. Appointment and Composition of Town Council Working Parties (Neighbourhood Plan, Play Area and Open Spaces, and Traffic and Pedestrian Although the constitution of Working Parties differs to Committees of the Town Council, Councillors completed and submitted Working Party Preference Forms in advance of this Meeting. The composition and membership of Councillors serving on the said Working Parties was subsequently agreed, following the vote.
  6. Terms of Reference- Committees of the Town Council Councillors received and noted the recently revised and updated Terms of Reference for the Town Council Committees.
  7. Register of Interests – Councillors were reminded by the Chairman that they should review, consider and update their respective Register of Interests online.
  8.  Council and Officer Representatives – Councillors proposed, seconded, voted and subsequently agreed the following Representatives to serve for the ensuing year:-

Suffolk Association of Local Councils & Larger Councils Groups – SALC Representative/s – Councillor Archer will serve for the ensuing year.

Internal Independent Auditor– It was noted that David Hunt is currently the Internal Independent Auditor.

Press Officer – The Clerk will serve for the ensuing year.

Safeguarding Officer – The Clerk will serve for the ensuing year.

Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Forum Representative-Councillor A Comber and Councillor S Fairbrother will serve for the ensuing year. Councillors noted that the current PCSO attends this Forum also.

Kesgrave Conservation Representative; The Clerk confirmed that Mrs Judith Francis has agreed to continue to provide updates for the ensuing year to the small group that she is part of. Town Councillor Patten asked to join this Forum. The Clerk will liaise with Mrs Francis and her Group.

Public Transport Liaison Officer/s- Miss Sue Hall will serve for the ensuing year.

SPARK (Sport, Amenities and Recreation in Kesgrave Representative) –

Councillor Mills will serve for the ensuing year.

Footpath Warden/Representative (Parish Path Partnership) – Michael Rayment will serve for the ensuing year.

Open Spaces Representative – Councillor Comber will serve for the ensuing year.

Town Tree/Hedgerow Warden (Planning and Development & General) – This post is currently vacant and no Councillors wished to fulfil this role for the ensuing year at the present time.

Youth Club Representative/s Councillor Archer (Thursday Evening) and Councillor Bridgeman (Tuesday Evening) will serve for the ensuing year.

Emergency Planning Officer It was noted that Mrs Marsh will serve for the ensuing year.

Patient Participation Group It was noted that Councillor Mills will report back to the Town Council if appropriate, following his attendance at this forum. (The Birches Medical Centre is aware of this).

  1. Minutes – The Minutes of the last Full Town Council Meeting held on the 13th March 2017 were received, considered and agreed. (Copy with Minute Book).
  2. Clerk/Chairman’s Report/Update Matters Arising Minute Number 5 – Chairman’s Communications – The Chairman made it clear to Councillors that following on from the recent training session, that for all aspects of the emerging Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan, it is necessary to engage with the whole community and not just a selection of local people.
  3. Chairman’s Communications- Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith again thanked Councillors for electing him to serve as Chairman of the Town Council for the ensuing year and again he congratulated Councillor Patten on being elected to serve as Vice Chairman of the Council. Councillor Beecroft-Smith also thanked all Councillors, Officers and all community stakeholder groups for their respective hard work and support over the past year. He thanked Councillor Ogden for his sterling work and commitment over the past 6 years to the Council and the Town. The Chairman reminded the Council that the Public Inquiry regarding the proposal to build 300 homes on land off of Bell Lane has been postponed until the 28th June 2017, with a Housing Needs Assessment being undertaken which should be completed by the 17th May 2017. Councillor Beecroft-Smith was pleased that good progress is being made on the Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan. He congratulated District Councillor McCallum on the success again of the Kesgrave 5k Charity Run which took place on the 7th May 2017.The Chairman is aware that our children and young people in the Town are looking forward to the half term Mobile Skate Park project, which takes place on the 30th and 31st May and the 1st and 2nd June 2017. The project has been organised by Mrs Marsh the Council’s Service Development Co-ordinator and assistance is needed from Town Councillors to supervise this activity from 10am– 12 noon and 6pm – 8pm.  Mrs Marsh was thanked for her excellent work. The Chairman asked Councillors to assist with the Big Litter Pick on Saturday, 20th May from 2pm – meeting at the Town Council offices. Councillor Beecroft-Smith thanked Mrs Marsh for her fantastic work so far in coordinating the forthcoming Big Lunch Community Day on Saturday, 10th June 2017 – another exciting event for our local people to look forward to.
  4. Members of the Public Jonathan Ogden, who has recently resigned from being a Town Councillor, addressed Councillors and congratulated County Councillors Lawson and Whiting following the recent County Councillor election process. He wished to congratulate the Town Council on its recently installed Play Area equipment. Mr Ogden spoke about his recent resignation following 6 years’ service as a Town Councillor, where following a career change, Mr Ogden will now fully pursue securing paid employment. Mr Ogden advised the meeting that he would like to stand again as a Town Councillor in the future. He expressed some disappointment that the Town Council does not wish to pursue at the present time, the Business Plan that he had initiated. Mr Ogden wished the Town Council well and spoke about some of the many challenges ahead with regard to the recently merged District Council and the proposals for Devolution.Another member of the public wished to speak and congratulated the newly elected County Councillors (Councillors Lawson and Whiting) and wished both Councillors well during their respective terms of office.
  5.  County and District Councillors Reports – The written reports were received, considered and noted. (Copies in the Minute Book). Presentations were received as follows:-

County Councillors Lawson and Whiting were congratulated on their new County Councillor roles by the Chairman.

Town, District and County Councillor Lawson thanked local people for their support. He also thanked Jonathan Ogden for his hard work during his term of office as a Town Councillor and for his contributions to the Town with the Library and Scouts. Town, District and County Councillor asked for assistance with various imminent Kesgrave projects, included those mentioned in Minute Number

12 under the Chairman’s Communications. Councillors thanked Town, District and County Councillor Lawson for kindly agreeing to financial support via his District Councillor Enabling Community Budget (ECB), the Summer Activities as organised by Town Council Officers, including the Graffiti Art and the Rapping and Beat Box. (A grant application has also been submitted to Spark).

County Councillor Whiting thanked local people for their support. He also wished to send his regards to Jonathan Ogden and Town Councillor Patten following the recent County Council elections and expressed his thanks to Jonathan Ogden for his work during Mr Ogden’s term of office as a Town Councillor.

District Councillor Mower’s Report was received and noted. The report included details about the Tour of Britain, where a large part of one stage of the Tour will be taking place in the Suffolk Coastal area on Friday, 8th September 2017. This event will build on the good work of the Woman’s Cycling Tour with extensive media coverage. The Tour will bring great economic and tourism benefits to inspire more people to get involved in sport and encourage healthy living. District Councillor Mower’s Report also provided information about the Suffolk Armed Forces Weekend on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June 2017 in Felixstowe where volunteers are needed. This event will also mark the 350th Anniversary of the Dutch attack on Landguard Fort. Over the two day event there will be a variety of live music, including an evening of pop and rock, military displays, food stalls, children’s activities, fireworks, an air display and battle re-enactments between the Dutch and English with cannon, muskets and swords. This community event is being organised by the Royal British Legion, Felixstowe Town Council, Suffolk County Council, Landguard Fort Trust, the Royal Marine Association and Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils. District Councillor Mower’s Report also detailed the Suffolk Walking Festival which runs for three weeks and started on the 13th May 2017. The report also highlighted details about the Open-Air Cinema at Felixstowe on Saturday, 29th July 2017 as organised by Felixstowe Town Council’s Youth Forum.

  1. Fully Funded PCSO and Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) Update – Councillors received and noted these reports for March and April 2017. They noted that in the March 2017 report, PCSO Sarbutts updates on the Community Speed Watch scheme and the equipment and training needed. Vehicle related Anti-Social Behaviour at the Town’s Schools and the parking banners which will be placed outside of Schools. Onsite activity overnight at Sinks Gravel Pit in Kesgrave, which may be dangerous. A vehicle for sale on Fentons Way which was causing a visual obstruction and damage to the grassed area. An alleged abandoned vehicle in Woods Walk, where it transpired this was all in order and had a registered keeper. A Fixed Penalty Notice to a vehicle parked blocking the footpath in Sherwood Fields, which is the second parking issue dealt with recently in this area. Parking issues generally in Peasey Gardens, Wilkinson Drive, Grange Lane, Heath View, Ashdale Road and the area of Heath Primary School, including some signage issues and liaison with the Suffolk County Highways department. PCSO Sarbutts has also dealt with general crime enquiries in Kesgrave, general complaints of vehicles causing obstructions and he has also checked parking and moving vehicles for driving related offences. Councillors also noted the updates for April 2017, including attendance by PCSO Sarbutts at the Annual Town Meeting on the 3rd April 2017. Details about Community Protection Notices where fines up to £2,500 for an individual and £20,000 for a business can be made under these offences. Under the Service Level Agreement the fact that funds are available for some evening hours and that two additional shifts were worked on the 6th and 7th April 2017 on a voluntary basis. Bell Lane there was an issue of vehicles blocking the footpath and causing obstructions, fixed penalty notices (£30 fines) have been issued. The Community Speed Watch training on the 11th April 2017.Two youths brandishing flick knives which are banned weapons. The fact that there has been a general increase in burglaries across the Ipswich area and rogue traders selling generators from vans locally.(Copies Report in Minute Book).PCSO Sarbutts addressed the Meeting and spoke about the zero-tolerance approach with regard to moped riders in the Town. He spoke about the challenges following the change in his working days and hours as a result of the Police Review. PCSO Sarbutts responded to various questions including the dangerous and illegal parking in Bell Lane near to the Orthodontists, where he has met with the Practice Manager regarding the issues and has issued numerous tickets in this area following the zero-tolerance approach. PCSO Sarbutts also responded to questions about dog fouling problems and the Paws on Patrol initiative, queries and the legal position relating to cycle paths and some cyclists’ preferences to use the public highway and parking issues on grass verges around the Town.
  2. Spark (Sport and Recreation in Kesgrave) – Councillors noted that this matter has been deferred. A written Report from Spark’s new Chairman will follow in due course.
  3. Finance and GovernanceAnnual Return 2016-17 – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, the Accounts, Annual Return and Annual Governance Statement for 2016-17, along with any supporting documents, and authorised the Chairman to sign the return on behalf of the Town Council. Mrs Jimpson was thanked for her hard work in this regard. (Copies in Minute Book).Internal Audit report – Councillors received, considered and agreed, following the vote, the year-end internal audit report and the response to items raised by the auditor. (Copy in Minute Book).Schedule of Accounts – Councillors received, considered and agreed payments in the sum of £56,667.65 following the vote. They noted that the first half of the Precept had been received and approved a transfer of £90,000 from the current account to the to the savings account. (Copy in Minute Book).Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Minutes27th March 2017 and 24th  April 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed or noted these Minutes as appropriate, following the vote. (Copies in Minute Book).
  4. Planning and Development Committee Meeting Minutes – 13th March 2017, 27th March 2017, 10th April 2017, 24th April 2017 and 8th May 2017 – Councillors received and noted the above Planning and Development Committee Meeting Minutes as presented by Councillor Mills. He thanked Jonathan Ogden for his hard work and commitment as a previous member of this Committee. (Copies in Minute Book).
  5. Community Services Matters 
    1. Community and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes – 20th  March 2017 Councillors received, considered and agreed the Community Services Committee Meeting Minutes of the 20th March 2017, following the vote, including the financial recommendations. (Copy in Minute Book).
    2. Other Community and Recreation Matters – Summer Activities for Youth – Mrs Jimpson spoke about the Graffiti Art quotation (£375 for 2 hours) and the Rapping and Beat box quotation (£325 for 2 hours) as provided by Nugent Education for a workshop of up to 30 young people, where artists’ costs and all materials would be included in the price. Councillors agreed to assist with funding these initiatives via the Council’s Community.
    3. Youth Work Budget, following the vote, which will be held during the Summer holidays at the Millennium Jubilee Hall and Field. It was noted that The Kesgrave Covenant has consented to the activity in this area. Councillors noted that a bid has been made to the Spark Trustees. Town, District and County Councillor Lawson also agreed to assist financially via his Enabling Community Budget (ECB).
  6.   Traffic and Pedestrian Working Party Meeting Minutes 20th March 2017. (Copy in Minute Book) – These Minutes were received, considered and agreed following the vote. 
    1. Place of Safety The Council received and considered the request received from Alice Grange Care Home. Following a discussion and subsequent vote, it was agreed that the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) could be used as a Place of Safety should a crisis such as a fire occur and if Alice Grange Care Home residents need to evacuate their own building. Councillors noted that this currently would affect 88 residents. Councillor Spittle/Reverend Spittle also agreed to assist on behalf of All Saints Church, Kesgrave, in the event that the MJH is booked out to hirer/s.


    1. Report from the Clerk and Press Officer Councillors noted media and publicity updates with regard to the Kesgrave Town Guide (which will be in electronic and paper versions and will include details about local clubs and community groups and will be launched in Summer 2017). The Kesgrave Town Council website (which is receiving a makeover which will align with social media and it is hoped that the transition will be smooth). Play Area and Open Spaces News updates, (including the current installation of new exercise and play equipment, thanks to the generosity of District Councillors Lawson, Lynch, McCallum and Mower, Spark – Sports and Recreation in Kesgrave and Section 106 Planning and Development funds via the District Council). Updates regarding the Annual Town Meeting which was held for residents on the 3rd April 2017, (including HGV Learner Training Vehicles, Flooding, Pot Holes, Transport Infrastructure and the proposed building of 300 new homes on land off of Bell Lane). Grass Cutting, (Suffolk Coastal Norse has put together an on-line brochure with frequently asked questions).



    The Kesgrave Mobile Skate Park Sessions (on the 30th and 31st May 2017 and the 1st and 2 nd June 2017 at Cedarwood Primary School, organised by the Town Council and where these are free of charge for local children and young people). The Big Litter Pick on Saturday, 20th May 2017 at 2pm meeting at the Town Council offices and the latest Policing updates from PCSO Sarbutts.


    1. SALC (Suffolk Association of Local Councils) – Suffolk Area Coastal Meeting 20th March 2017 – Councillors received and noted the written report from Councillor Archer, the SALC Representative following his attendance at this


    meeting on the 20th March 2017. They noted details regarding the main items discussed at the meeting including, the East Suffolk Partnership, Members Information Exchange, Issues for the SALC Executive, the Transparency Code and Funding, the Annual Training Programme and Affiliated Bodies Reports and updates.


    1. Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meetings – Kesgrave Matters


    – Councillors received a verbal update from the Town Council’s Representatives


    on this Forum, following the Meeting held on the 16th March 2017. They noted that the Forum received updates regarding the play equipment at Oak Meadow, the pop-up Skate Park event during the Spring Half Term School Holiday break


    (29th May 2017 – 2nd June 2017). The temporary closure of the Thursday Evening Town Council Youth Club as a result of behaviour, where the Police are involved. The Forum suggested that the Town Council (via PCSO Sarbutts), may wish to ask the Police to issue Community Protection Warning letters to the individual youths who are involved and identified as exhibiting anti-social behaviour or that their Parents are contacted. Councillors noted that the next Meeting will be held on the 25th May 2017.


    1. Town Councillor Resignation – Councillors are aware that Councillor Ogden has unfortunately resigned. He was thanked for his hard work, commitment and dedication to the Council and the Town over the past 6 years. Town Councillor Ogden has issued his formal written resignation so that he can focus on his professional accountancy examinations and securing a position of paid employment. The Returning Officer at the District Council has been informed and the statutory notices will be displayed in relation to this vacancy. This matter will be considered at the next full Town Council Meeting on the 19th June 2017. If a casual vacancy for a co-opted Town Councillor exists, (providing a by-election is not to be called), then any interested applicants will be considered at the said Meeting on the 19th June 2017.


    1. Chairman/Clerk Other/Urgent Communications There were no matters to


    1. Newsletters & Circulars – The following were received and noted:-Intouch – latest edition.

    Kesgrave Flyer – latest edition.

    1. Resolution to exclude the Public and the Press In pursuant of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Council agreed, following the vote, to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.



    1. Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 13th March 2017 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the


    Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 13th March 2017, following the vote. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book).


    1. Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee


    held on the 27th March 2017 and the 24th April 2017The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree, following the vote, the Confidential Meeting Minutes


    of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 27th March 2017 and the 24th April 2017. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book).

    1. Extraordinary, Confidential Meeting of the full Town Council – 10th April 2017– The Council is asked to receive, consider and approve, following the vote,


    the Extraordinary, Confidential Minutes following the Meeting held on the 10th April 2017. (Copy in Confidential Minute Book).


    1. Youth Club Restructure and ReviewThe Committee is asked to receive and consider this matter in further detail following on from the recommendations of the Working Party (comprising Councillors Beecroft-Smith, Ogden, Patten and Spittle), (and joined by Councillors Comber and Mills), as agreed at the


    Extraordinary, Confidential full Town Council Meeting held on the 10th April 2017 and the Confidential Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 24th April 2017. (Draft Papers Attached).


    Date of the next Full Town Council Meeting – Monday, 19th June 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council Offices.



    There being no other business, this part of the Meeting was closed in order to facilitate the confidential part of the Meeting.



    Chairman ……………………………………………………..Date………………………



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