Refuse Collection/Refuse Tips/Recycling/Compost

Recycling Points

Kesgrave is well served by recycling banks at:

  • Bell Inn Car Park, Bell Lane – bottle bank
  • Tesco, Ropes Drive – bottle bank, cans, newspapers, textiles

In April 2011 changes were made to the way in which recycling is dealt with across the District. Suffolk Coastal District Council has provided every household access to the doorstep collection for the blue lidded recycling bin making the banks at recycling centres surplus to requirements.This has also meant a change to the system of recycling credits which used to be passed to the Town Council in recognition of the tonnage of recyclate collected at the various banks at Tesco.

We had expected the paper banks to be removed at Tesco but they have remained under a new agreement between Tesco and Boltons.

Residents still have the choice of putting their papers in the blue lidded bin at home, or the bins at Tesco, but neither result in any credits received. A reminder: please don’t forget that glass cannot be put in the blue lidded bin.


Refuse Collections

Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC) provide a wheeled bin recycling and refuse collection service to most homes, giving people alternate fortnightly collections of recyclable materials (Blue Bin) and household refuse that cannot be recycled (Grey Bin) in addition to a fortnightly collection service for their garden and food waste (brown bin).

If you are not sure of your collection day, or haven’t received a calendar, or have lost your copy, call Suffolk Coastal Services on 01394 444000 or email and they will confirm your collection day or send you a new calendar.

For homes that do not yet have the new wheeled bin collection service, they operate a weekly black sack collection service for household refuse and a fortnightly collection of waste paper from green crates.

Rolls of green and black sacks are available for purchase from Kesgrave Council Offices or 2nd Stop Shop and these can be used to dispose of rubbish via these weekly collection.

The cost is £5 a roll for either 15 green sacks or 26 black ones. Using the green sacks enables residents to leave their green waste for collection with the ordinary household waste.

Collection of bulky items by Suffolk Coastal District Council are available by application.


Household Waste Recycling Centres (Refuse Tips)

Foxhall Road HWRC near to the A12 roundabout) is the nearest recycling centre to Kesgrave and has bottle, can, newspaper, clothes and shoes banks. It also takes general refuse, garden waste, oil, batteries, metal etc.

Compost is available at Foxhall waste site ready bagged £1.25 or shovel yourself, if you can, for £1 per bag.

Please note the entrance has a height restriction barrier that prevents some MPV’s, tall vans etc from gaining access. Their installation is intended to exclude commercial operators from using the tip but they are not effective in achieving this. If you have an MPV etc you will be expected to remove your waste from your vehicle and carry it to the skips beyond the barriers.

The next nearest tips are at Ipswich and Felixstowe.

For full details of where the site is and what can be recycled click here.

From Wednesday 1 June 2016, the opening hours at Suffolk’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) will be changing to offer site users extended hours on Sundays, Bank Holidays, and on a Thursday evening during the summer months, reflecting the times when the sites are most used and needed by residents.

The busiest times of the week for these sites are the weekend and bank holidays. The quietest day of the week is consistently a Wednesday. As a result of this, all sites will be closed on a Wednesday.

The new opening times for Suffolk’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (from 1 Jun 16) are as follows:

April – September

Monday – 9am – 5pm

Tuesday – 9am – 5pm

Wednesday – Closed*

Thursday – 9am – 5pm (late night opening until 7pm during May – August)*

Friday – 9am – 5pm

Saturday – 9am – 5pm

Sunday – 9am – 5pm*

October – March

Monday – 9am – 4pm

Tuesday – 9am – 4pm

Wednesday – Closed

Thursday – 9am – 4pm

Friday – 9am – 4pm

Saturday – 9am – 4pm

Sunday – 9am – 4pm

*From 1 June 2016

All sites are closed 25, 26 December and 1 January


Further Information

Further details of waste and recycling service in Suffolk Coastal can be found by clicking here.

Town Council Office Opening Hours Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am - 1.00pm

Thursday Closed

Up and coming meetings

february, 2025

17feb6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

17feb7:15 pmKesgrave Town Council Meeting