Potential Sale of the Martlesham Police HQ
Potential redevelopment of the Police Headquarters site, Martlesham
October 2018
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Suffolk is considering the potential sale of the Martlesham Police Headquarters site for residential development, in order to help reduce costs and provide better value for money to taxpayers without impacting on police services or jobs. As part of a full review of the PCC’s estate to see where money can be saved, we are exploring the possibility of relocating to more fit-for-purpose premises in the Ipswich area (which are likely to be existing public sector buildings).
In order to know what the value of the site is, and therefore determine whether it should be sold, we have appointed a team of consultants to look at how it could potentially accommodate residential development. Initial technical work suggests around 250 homes could be built on the site, should planning permission be granted by Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC).