Planning & Development Minutes

September 18th Meeting


  • Planning and Development Committee Minutes
  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 18th September 2017
  • In the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors Present:

  • K Archer (Apologies)
  • A Athwall
  • Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) G Derrick (From end of Minute Number 5) G Hamilton (Apologies)
  • P Mills
  • R Patten
  • I Wallace (No Apologies given and Not Present)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements – Town Clerk
  • Two Members of the Public

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present to the Meeting. Councillor Wallace sent his apology for absence.

2. Declaration of Interests – There were no declarations of interest.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 19th December 2016 – These Minutes were received, considered and approved by the Committee. (Copy in Minute Book).

4. Clerks Report/Update/Matters Arising

  • Minute Number 8 – APP/J3530/W/16/3160194 – Persimmon Homes Appeal –Kesgrave – The Committee received and noted the Transport Assessment and Traffic Surveys as received from Suffolk County Council Highways New Projects Department. Also the agent/applicant press release. The Committee in addition, received and noted the Town Council’s Public Transport Liaison Officer’s response to the Transport Assessment. It noted that Ben Woolnough is the Lead Officer at the Local Planning Authority (LPA), who is dealing with the Appeal. Councillors agreed that the Bridleway is a key issue as detailed within the correspondence received from the Town Council’s Transport Liaison Officer.
  •  Minute Number 10 – Referral to Planning Committee (LPA) as opposed to Officer Delegated DC/16/4472/FUL – Proposed residential development – 2 Dobbs Lane, Kesgrave – The Committee noted that the Local Planning Authority (LPA) is likely to consider this application at its Planning Committee Meeting on the 26th January 2017.
  • Minute Number 14 – Sizewell C – Stage 2 Consultation – deadline 3rd February 2017 – Section 42 Planning Act 2008 – Councillors noted that Planning Aid England has been updated regarding the Committee’s wishes not to receive a presentation and exhibition on the 9th January 2017 and for Planning Aid England not to attend this evening’s particular Committee Meeting.

5. Members of the Public – There were no members of the public.

6. Copy Letters of Objection/In Support/Observations – The Committee noted that no letters, emails or copy details have been received by the Town Council.

7. Schedule of Applications/Proposals – The Committee considered and made its formal recommendations to the Local Planning Authority – (LPA). (Copy in Minute Book).

8. Schedule of Planning Decisions – The Committee noted the updates. (Copy in Minute Book).

9. Referral to Planning Committee (LPA) as opposed to Officer Delegated –The Committee noted the following:
DC/16/5100/FUL – 69 Dobbs Lane, Kesgrave – A request for referral to the LPA’s Planning Committee has been received following the objection letter sent by a local resident to the LPA, (but not copied to the Town Council), on the grounds of a potential loss of light to the neighbouring dwelling. (The Town Council recommended approval on the 19th December 2016, where it was unaware of any neighbouring concerns at that particular time).

10. Matters of Communication of Sufficient Urgency and Importance as Agreed by the Chairman for Discussion – There were no urgent matters raised.

11. Date of Next Meeting – The next Planning and Development Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, 30th January 2017 at 6.15pm. (Plans will be available to view from 6pm in the Council Chamber at the Town Council Offices).

12. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Members had no requests for items to discuss at the next Meeting.
There being no other business, the Meeting closed at 6.35pm.


Signed: Chairman………………………………………. Date……………………

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01473 625 179

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Mon, Tue, Friday: 9am - 1.00pm
Wednesday: 9am - 3.00pm


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15jul6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

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