Planning and Development, April 24th 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Planning and Development Committee Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 24th April 2017 in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors Present: K Archer (Vice Chairman) A Athwall N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) G Derrick P Mills (Chairman) J Ogden R Patten I Wallace (No Apologies given and Not Present)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements – Clerk
  • Nine Members of the Public

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present to the Meeting.

2. Declaration of Interests – Councillor Patten declared a non-pecuniary interest regarding an application on the Schedule of Applications relating to DC/17/1312/FUL, 26 Bell Lane, Kesgrave, as the applicant is known to her.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 10th April 2017 – These Minutes were received, considered and approved by the Committee, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).

4. Clerks Report/Update/Matters Arising  Minute Number 7 – DC/17/1242/FUL – Land to Rear of 213-219 Main Road – Severance of part rear gardens and erection of 2 bungalows with detached garages together with vehicular access and associated external works – The Committee noted the further copy letters of objection received from local residents relating to this application. Objections are on the grounds of the proposal being out of character with the existing residential amenity and street-scene, concerns about screening and hedging, loss of habitat of many wildlife species, highway issues, inclusion of a passing place, boundary concerns and loss of light to neighbouring dwellings. Also the proposal is considered to be “back-land” and over development of the site, sustainability issues, insufficient drains and soakaways. In regard to the design – red brick with black pantile roof tiles should not be used in order to be “in-keeping” with the existing properties and concerns about heights. Site confusion on the location plan and the contaminated land assessment and recommendations that under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order, with or without medication), that any Permitted Development Rights be removed. 2

5. Members of the Public – Nine members of the Public were present. Members of the Public raised their respective concerns with regard to DC/17/1143/FUL 67 Holly Road, Kesgrave and various issues including the loss of light, over-development of the site, the proposal being out of character with the existing residential amenity and streetscene, height and width issues, concerns about drainage and air quality issues. Tree screening should be replaced as numerous trees are proposed for removal within the proposal and also boundary concerns. The various copy letters of objection were received and noted by the Committee.

6. Copy Letters of Objection/In Support/Observations – The Committee noted that no letters other than those mentioned under Minute Number 4 and Minute Number 5 have been received.

7. Schedule of Applications/Proposals – The Committee considered and made its formal comments/recommendations to the Local Planning Authority – (LPA). (Copy in Minute Book).

8. Schedule of Planning Decisions – The Committee noted the updates. (Copy in Minute Book).

9. Referral to Planning Committee of the LPA (Local Planning Authority) as opposed to Officer Delegated or The Planning Inspectorate – There were no updates to report.

10. Public Inquiry – Appeal Reference: APP/J3530/W/16/3160194: Land To The East Of Bell Lane (25th – 28th April 2017) – The Committee noted Town Councillors Ogden and Patten will represent the Town Council at the Public Inquiry. The verbal representations (following the Town Council’s previous formal written representations) were discussed, noted and agreed by the Committee.

11. Proposed Development – 2,000 Dwellings – Martlesham – Councillors received the literature from CEG developers and an update from Councillor Ogden following his attendance (with Councillor Comber), at the Pre-Application Meeting held with the LPA and Stakeholder Parish Councils held on the 12th April 2017. All relevant details are included on the LPA’s website.

12. Date of Next Meeting – The next Planning and Development Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, 8th May 2017 at 6.15pm.

13. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Members asked for the application relating to DC/17/1435/OUT – Land South and East of, Adastral Park, Martlesham to be discussed and considered at the next Meeting. There being no other business, the Meeting closed at 7.05pm.

Signed: Chairman………………………………………. Date……………………

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