Planning and Development, April 10th 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Planning and Development Committee Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on the 10th April 2017 in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors Present: K Archer (Vice Chairman) A Athwall N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) G Derrick (Apologies) P Mills (Chairman) J Ogden R Patten I Wallace (Not Present)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements – Clerk
  • Eight Members of the Public

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present to the Meeting. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Derrick.

2. Declaration of Interests – There were no declarations of interest.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on the 27th March 2017 – These Minutes were received, considered and approved by the Committee, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).

4. Clerks Report/Update/Matters Arising  Minute Number 7 – DC/17/0686/FUL – Kesgrave High School – The Committee noted that the Highways Department of Suffolk County Council has confirmed that there is currently no legal restriction on parking in the lay-by adjacent to the High School and that any possible, future, Traffic Regulation Order would cost in excess of £8,000 and would take 12 months to implement.

5. Members of the Public – Members of the public raised their objections with regard to: The application on the Schedule of Applications/Proposals relating to application DC/17/1242/FUL, Land to Rear of 213-219 Main Road, Severance of part rear gardens and erection of 2 bungalows with detached garages together with vehicular access and associated external works on the grounds of the proposal having an adverse effect on existing, neighbouring properties including the vehicular and pedestrian accesses and the close boundaries. Comments were made by a members of the public with regard to DC/16/3410/FUL – 79 Dobbs Lane, Single storey rear and side extension alterations and conversion and the possible, alleged breach of planning, where the Enforcement Team at the Local Planning Authority (LPA) are involved. 2

6. Copy Letters of Objection/In Support/Observations –The following was noted:  DC/16/3410/FUL – 79 Dobbs Lane – Single storey rear & side extension, alterations and loft conversion – This Committee considered this proposal at its Planning and Development Committee Meeting on the 12th September 2017 and recommended approval. However, it would appear from photographic evidence that the proposal has not been completed in accordance with the plans and proposal submitted and the agreed consent. The Committee noted that following the neighbouring objections about a possible breach of planning, the Enforcement Department of the Local Planning Authority (LPA) are currently investigating.  DC/17/1242/FUL, Land to Rear of 213-219 Main Road, – Severance of part rear gardens and erection of 2 bungalows with detached garages together with vehicular access and associated external works – Five members of the public have raised their objections to this application on the grounds of overdevelopment and boundary issues.

7. Schedule of Applications/Proposals – The Committee considered and made its formal comments/recommendations to the Local Planning Authority – (LPA). (Copy in Minute Book).

8. Schedule of Planning Decisions – The Committee noted the updates. (Copy in Minute Book).

9. Referral to Planning Committee of the LPA (Local Planning Authority) as opposed to Officer Delegated or The Planning Inspectorate – The Committee noted that there were no delegations.

10. Public Inquiry – Appeal Reference: APP/J3530/W/16/3160194: Land To The East Of Bell Lane – The Committee reaffirmed its original objections as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate/Secretary of State. Councillors Ogden and Patten recently met outside of this Committee in order to agree the Town Council’s verbal representations at the Inquiry. It was noted that Jane Cody will speak at the Inquiry as a Member of the Public.

11. Speeding Signage – Councillors Ogden and Mills advised the Committee that portable signage for Bell Lane and Dobbs Lane would be around £3,000 per sign. Any signage would need to complement the existing Community Speed Watch scheme and it was suggested that any signage should be shared between neighbouring Parishes. (Kesgrave Town Council, Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council and Suffolk Constabulary). The Committee noted that no Budget has been agreed by the Town Council for these items and that the Highways Department of Suffolk County Council and local residents have not been consulted.

12. Planning Infrastructure Matters – The Committee discussed highway matters, traffic surveys and medical/doctors’ surgery infrastructure matters in connection with new planning applications. A full and detailed discussion ensued.

13. Suffolk Preservation Society Archaeology Training Session – 9 th May 2017 at Haughley Park Barn, Suffolk. Cost £40 per Council – The Committee considered and 3 agreed, following the vote, that Jane Cody (Neighbourhood Plan Working Party) and Town Councillor Ogden should attend on behalf of the Town Council.

14. Proposed Development – 2,000 Dwellings – Martlesham – Councillors noted that Councillors Comber and Ogden will attend the Pre-Application Meeting on the 12th April 2017. They also noted that the planning proposal details have today (10th April 2017), been issued by the LPA.

15. Land off Anson Road Planning Application [NLP-DMS.FID216143] – Councillors noted the imminent planning application and proposed new unit for a Costa.

16. Date of Next Meeting – The next Planning and Development Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, 24th April 2017 at 6.15pm.

17. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Members had no requests for items to discuss at the next Meeting. There being no other business, the Meeting closed at 7.12pm.

Signed: Chairman………………………………………. Date……………………

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