Full Town Council Meeting, March 13th 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 13th March 2017 in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors: A Athwall K Archer N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) R Bridgeman A Comber G Derrick D Fairbrother S Fairbrother G Hamilton (Apologies) S Lawson G Lynch J Ogden (Vice-Chairman of the Council) P Mills R Patten R Spittle I Wallace (At the end of Minute Numbered 8)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements (Town Clerk)
  • Mrs D Jimpson (Business and Development Manager)
  • District Councillor Mower County Councillor Whiting (During Minute No 6)
  • Four Members of the Public and a local company with regard to Agenda item numbered 9

1. Welcome and to Receive Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Meeting, Apologies for absence were received from Town Councillor Hamilton, District Councillor McCullum and County Councillor Hudson.

2. Declarations of Interest – The following Declarations of Interest were made. (Full details in the Interest Book). Name of Member Type of Interest Details about Interest Minute Number Details in Interest Book Town Councillor Comber NonPecuniary Kesgrave Market 10 (Schedule of Accounts) Yes Town Councillor BeecroftSmith NonPecuniary One company who provided a quotation is known to him 9 (Town Guide and Website) Yes 2 Town Councillor Comber Pecuniary Comber Enterprises (Current Website provider) 9 (Town Guide and Website) Yes

3. Minutes of the last Full Town Council Meeting held on the 13th February 2017. These Minutes were received, considered and agreed, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).

4. Clerks Report/Update  Matters Arising Minute Number 10 – Fully Funded PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) – The Council noted that a meeting was held with Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council and Suffolk Constabulary on the 1st March 2017, in order to discuss the revised Service Level Agreement (SLA) in greater detail, with a view to signing off this Agreement. The Chairman of the Council will now be asked to sign this Agreement on behalf of the Town Council under Agenda Item Numbered 8.

5. Chairman’s Communications – The Chairman – Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith was delighted to welcome Town Councillor Patten to the Council and her first full meeting as a Councillor. He thanked the Market Manager and all those involved with the great success and excellent turnout at the Kesgrave Market on the 18th February 2017, where Spark (Sport and Recreation in Kesgrave), kindly donated funds in order for free of charge children’s half term activities to take place. The Chairman was pleased that some excellent progress has been made with the emerging Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan and the Questionnaires and thanked the small pro-active Working Party for their hard work and commitment and in particular he thanked Councillor Ogden. Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith reported on the excellent be-spoke Councillor training sessions and the Planning Seminar attended by Councillor Ogden on behalf of the Town Council. He reminded Councillors about his Chairman’s Reception on the evening of Friday, 24th March 2017 at the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH), which is a wonderful opportunity for him to sincerely thank individuals and community organisations alike, for their respective support and hard work to the Town and the Council over the past year. The Chairman asked for Town Councillors not to share or discuss any decisions or recommendations made at any Committee Meetings, prior to other Town Councillors receiving the Minutes of the said Committee, this is out of respect for other Councillor colleagues and in order to protect the Council’s reputation as a body. Councillor Beecroft-Smith advised Councillors that the Public Inquiry regarding the proposal to build 300 dwellings on Land off of Bell Lane will be held from the 24th -28th April 2017 at the District Council Offices at Melton, Suffolk. Councillor Beecroft-Smith was pleased to report on his attendance at Her Majesty’s Court of Justice at St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds on Sunday, 12th March 2017 on behalf of the Council. The Chairman advised Councillors that Inspector Roger Salmon has changed his role within Suffolk Police and that from the 27th March 2017, Inspector Andy Pursehouse will take on this role. He reminded Councillors about keeping their respective Register of Interests updated online. 3

6. Members of the Public – One Member of the Public spoke about the road condition and issues in Dobbs Lane, Kesgrave, where he had received a letter from the Highways Department at the County Council advising that this work will be included within the future programme of works, but he wished to establish the time frames in this regard. The Clerk agreed to ask the Highways Department at Suffolk County Council for an update. Another member of the public asked for Mrs Jimpson to read out a letter regarding Oak Meadow and the recently installed removable wooden bollard. The Chairman explained that the intention of this installation is to permit vehicular access onto this land when play equipment is being installed. Previously the more permanent bollard was expensive and problematic to remove and reinstate. The member of the public suggested that a fence type barrier is installed and requested that some replanting work is carried out. Another member of the public noted that some work had been carried out to trees near to the bus route, but noted that nearby prunes have not had any cutting back works, she was concerned that they will brush against the buses. The Clerk was asked to raise this matter with the Highways Department at Suffolk County Council. A member of the public asked that when Councillors address Town Council Meetings and the Chairman of the Council that they please project their voices so that members of the public can hear what is being said. Another member of the public spoke about distraction burglaries and an incident which occurred on the 10th March 2017 which was reported to the local Police. Mrs Jimpson agreed to update PCSO Sarbutts about this worrying incident. Councillor Whiting arrived at this point in the Meeting.

7. County and District Councillors Reports – Councillors received and noted the written reports, verbal presentations and asked questions and raised points of clarification. (Copies with Minute Book). Councillors noted that the latest written Newsletter from County Councillors Hudson and Whiting has not been received as yet, but as soon as it is received in the Town Council Office it will be forwarded to Town Councillors. County Councillor Whiting addressed the Meeting and updated Councillors regarding the signage at Ropes Drive which is now in place. He advised the Meeting that he is working closely with PCSO Sarbutts regarding parking problems at Kesgrave High School. County Councillor Whiting was pleased with the drainage works which were completed at Bell Lane, even when the County had no budget in place for this work. He thanked Councillors for their support over the last four years whilst he has been in post. County Councillor Whiting acknowledges that Kesgrave is a good place to live and that he would wish to discourage Kesgrave being incorporated within the East Ipswich fringe. Town Councillors noted that the new County Councillor elections are imminent and that there is an interim period with regard to outstanding work and matters for the Town. County Councillor Whiting responded to various questions and points for clarification including drainage matters, there currently being no dates for the pedestrian crossing near Kiln Farm, acknowledgement and congratulations for arranging and coordinating tree and shrubbery clearance works along the Main Road – A1214. Town and District Councillor Lawson’s written Report was received and noted. His report included updates on the Love East Suffolk website regarding litter, where Town and District Councillor Lawson would be happy to lead on this initiative for Kesgrave with support from the Town Council and other community stakeholders. 4 He was encouraged and pleased with the recent bespoke Town Councillor training and advised the meeting that his District Councillor Enabling Communities Budget (ECB) for the new financial year will be £6,500 and that combined with other District Councillors Budgets, there is a total of £25,000 in the “funding pot” for the Town. Town and District Councillor Lawson referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written report below. Town and District Councillor Lynch’s written report was received and noted. His report included details about the meetings that he had attended (Scrutiny, Audit Governance, and full Council). He also reported on the new Volunteers Website, Health Services and Medequip and the financial losses due to missing equipment. The Love East Suffolk litter initiative and the Hidden Needs in Suffolk and work undertaken by the University of Suffolk with the Suffolk Community Foundation – an independent grant making charity. Town and District Councillor Lynch referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written detailed report below. District Councillor Mower’s written report was received and noted, including updates on the Deben Leisure Centre Redevelopment, the full District Council Meeting and Budget Setting held on the 23rd February 2017, where increases of 3.25% amount to less than 10p per week for Council Tax Payers, savings following the partnership with Waveney District Council, more economical offices in Melton, steep reductions in central Government grants and income. Support Armed Forces Day, where a week of entertainment is to be held in Felixstowe on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June 2017 in partnership with Suffolk Armed Forces Covenant Group, the Landguard’ Fort Trust, Royal Marines Association and the Royal British Legion, with assistance from local authorities and military units. The new Volunteering Website, the Help us Keep Standards Up initiative and the appointment of an independent person.

8. Fully-Funded PCSO Report & Safer Neighbourhood Team Police Report in Partnership with Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council – February & March 2017 – Councillors received and noted the February 2017 PCSO Report and the March 2017 Ipswich Safer Neighbourhood Team Report. (Copies in Minute Book). The report included details of assistance and involvement with the Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme and the training in use of this equipment. Attendance at the final meeting of the 12PT and the agreement to purchase a mobile speed indication display/vehicle activated signage with the remaining funds from this forum’s reserves, this sign would be for use by Kesgrave and neighbouring Parishes from the disbanded 12PT. Vehicle Speed Checks in Kesgrave and verbal warnings. A £100 fine and 3 penalty points for use of a mobile phone whilst driving. Attendance at the Woodbridge and District Antisocial Behaviour Meeting on the 9th February 2017. Monitoring parking at Bell Lane near to the orthodontists. The information leaflet which will be distributed to drivers near to Schools about parking regulations. Antisocial and criminal activity at Kesgrave Town Council’s Thursday evening Youth Club where incidents have now been reported by Officers of the Town Council and where enquiries are ongoing with good progress and identifying the potential suspects. The Police will also regularly patrol this general area in order to engage with youths, whilst the Town Council considers whether to re-open the Thursday evening Youth Club on Thursday evenings at the end of Easter 2017. 5 Other activities undertaken include assisting with crime enquiries, complaints about vehicles causing obstructions. General motoring offences of moving and parked vehicles and road traffic collisions and attending and assistance with closing roads and managing traffic control. – Councillors also received and noted the Ipswich Safer Neighbourhood Team Report for March 2017 which included details about the crime figures, where since the last report, 10 crimes have been recorded and logged in Kesgrave as follows:- 2 x Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) – Grange Lane, Foxhall Stadium 1 x Burglary Dwelling – Dobbs Lane 1 x Assault Without Injury – Main Road 1 x Harassment without violence 1 x Malicious Communications 1 x Theft of a Pedal Cycle – Stewart Young Grove 1 x Other criminal damage to a vehicle (Under £5,000) – Deben Valley Drive 1 x Section 4a POA causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress – St. Olaves Rd 1 x Theft – Bell Lane The relevant website for previous crime and antisocial behaviour figures for Kesgrave was noted. Councillors noted that occasional burglaries in residential and business properties are still occurring. They also noted the School Parking Campaign with the Police presence, banners and leaflets, where fixed penalty notices have been issued where appropriate. Bringing back the Paws on Patrol scheme where dog walkers are being encouraged to report any suspicious or illegal activity to the Police, including dog fouling. The Service Level Agreement for a joint fully funded PCSO role. The Community Speed Watch scheme and details about the Police Twitter account, the Police Connect website and the process for reporting non-urgent crimes. Service Level Agreement 2017-18 – This fully-funded partnership Service Level Agreement (SLA), jointly funded with this Town Council and Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council as previously resolved, was received, noted and signed by the Chairman – Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith on behalf of the Town Council. Councillor Wallace arrived at this point in the Meeting.

9. Town Guide and Websites (Town Guide site and Town Council site) – Councillors received and noted the updated information and presentation. A question and answer session followed. It was noted that the Town Council would have ownership of the sites, where the company would host and manage the websites. Councillors noted that after the first year the websites costs for hosting would be minimal at £50 per month for both websites, i.e. the Town Council site and the Town Guide site, where any new sections or page creations can easily be dealt with. The magazine design costing for 16 pages for a bespoke design, together with certain elements of the Guide will be brought into “real time” and will be live. The sponsor details were noted, together with the possible apps which would assist with ongoing costs. The cost is £5,000 as reported at the last Town Council Meeting, where the deliverables were discussed and noted. A full and detailed discussion ensued. Following the vote, it was agreed to appoint this service provider for the production of the Town Guide and Websites (Town Guide site and Town Council site). 6 At this point in the Meeting, Two Members of the Public and the local company presenting information regarding Agenda item numbered 9 left the Meeting.

10. Finance and Governance  Schedule of Accounts – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, payments in the sum of £33,935.71 and a transfer of £29,000 from the savings account to meet these payments. Councillors noted the schedule of receipts since the previous meeting and reconciled the payments. (Copy with Minute Book).  Finance and Governance Committee Meeting – 27th February 2017 – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 27th February 2017. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book), including approval of the; Transfer of earmarked reserves funds External Audit fees SALC subscription for 2017/18 Purchase of Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire from CAS. Appointment of Internal Auditor – Councillors approved the appointment of David Hunt to carry out the year-end internal audit for 2016-17, and to complete section 4 of the annual return. Insurance – Councillors approved the insurance renewal for 31 March 2017- 31 March 2018.

11. Planning and Development Committee Meetings Minutes – 13th February 2017 and 27th February 2017 – Councillors received and noted the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on the 13th February 2017 and the 27th February 2017, including the Planning for All Training seminar on the 2nd March 2017 at £75.00. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

12. Working Party Meetings  Play Area and Open Spaces Working Party Meeting – 6 th March 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed the Minutes of the Play Area and Open Spaces Working Party Meeting held on the 6th March 2017, as presented by Councillor Ogden. Councillors noted the exciting and inspirational new play equipment at Oak Meadow, ongoing discussions with the District Council regarding the play space at Holly Gardens, the painting, cleaning and signage works at Cedarwood Green, the ongoing discussions with the District Council regarding the adoption of Grange Meadow. Councillor Comber advised that approval was required for the expenditure for the path leading to Oak Meadow, he advised that it had been decided that tarmac was the best option at a cost of £2,415 which was to be taken from the play equipment budget, and this was approved after the vote. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

13. Community Services Matters  Letter from Playgroup – Mrs Jimpson reported on the letter from the Playgroup (received today – 13th March 2017). 7 The letter is advising that the Playgroup are likely to struggle with the minor increase in hiring charges at the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH). This matter will be included on the next agenda for the Community and Recreation Committee Meeting on the 20th March 2017.

14. Report from the Clerk and Press Officer – Councillors received an update, including the latest local publications, press, radio and social media articles and photograph details. These included: details of the New Anglia LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) and funding opportunities for the business community, the Town Council’s Annual Town Meeting (a Meeting for Residents), a request for volunteers to assist at the Tuesday evening Kesgrave Town Council Youth Club and the Thursday evening Youth Club updates regarding its temporary closure. Anti-Social Behaviour generally in the Town, including litter out of car windows, dogs jumping up at people in public places, dog fouling, parking on pavements and on highway visibility splays, vehicles speeding. Kesgrave Easter Market update on Saturday, 15th April 2017, Play Area and Open Spaces news update, the Big Lunch Fun Day update for Saturday, 10th June 2017. Details about the Mobile Skate Park Project, PCSO Sarbutts updates, Neighbourhood Plan updates. A tribute and thank you to Kesgrave News on their last edition this month. Information regarding the Suffolk County Council compositing project, details about the Senior Citizens Outing on the 16th August 2017 to Felixstowe, and Organised Walks information.

15. 12PT and Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meetings – Kesgrave Matters – Councillors received a brief verbal update from Town Councillor S Fairbrother following her attendance at the 12PT Meeting on the 23rd February 2017. They noted that this was the final Meeting of the 12PT, where it was agreed to purchase a mobile speed indication display/vehicle activated sign with approximately £2,600 of their reserve funds for the use of the Parishes only which made up the 12 PT Group and any balance left would be donated to the Children’s East Anglian Hospice. Councillor S Fairbrother raised her concerns about the 12 PT Minutes.

16. Chairman/Clerk Other/Urgent Communications – There were no matters to report.

17. Newsletters & Circulars – the latest publications were received and noted:-  Kesgrave News – last edition;  Kesgrave Flyer – latest edition;  In-Touch Magazine – latest edition.

18. Resolution to exclude the Public and the Press – The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Council considered and agreed, following the vote, to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.

19. Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 13th February 2017 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 13th February 2017. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book).

20. Kesgrave Town Council Youth Club – The Council will receive an update on the latest position and will be asked to receive, consider and agree the next stages. 8 Date of the next Full Annual Town Council Meeting – Monday, 15th May 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council Offices. (The Annual Town Meeting, a meeting for all residents – Monday, 3rd April 2017 at 7.15pm held at the Millennium Jubilee Hall). This part of the Meeting concluded in order to facilitate the second and confidential section of the Meeting in order to consider and agree the confidential matter.

Chairman ……………………………………………………..Date………………………

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