Full Town Council Meeting, June 19th 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 19th June 2017 in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors: A Athwall K Archer (Apologies) N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) R Bridgeman A Comber G Derrick D Fairbrother (Apologies) S Fairbrother (Apologies) G Hamilton (Apologies) S Lawson (Apologies) G Lynch P Mills R Patten (Vice-Chairman of the Council) R Spittle I Wallace (Apologies)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements (Town Clerk)
  • Mrs D Jimpson (Business and Development Manager)
  • District Councillor Mower
  • Rachel Rowe – Suffolk County Council (For Minute Number 23)
  • Two Members of the Public including Lesley Ventriglia (For Minute Number 16)

The Chairman asked Councillors and Officers for a one minute silence as a sign of respect for the recent terrorism’ attacks in London and Manchester.

1. Welcome and to Receive Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Meeting, including Lesley Ventriglia (Co-opted Town Councillor vacancy) and Rachel Rowe (Suffolk County Council). Apologies for absence were received from Town Councillor Archer, (who is attending the SALC Area Meeting), Town Councillors D and S Fairbrother, Hamilton, Wallace, Town, District and County Councillor Lawson and County Councillor Whiting.

2. Declarations of Interest – The following Declarations of Interest were made. (Full details in the Interest Book). Name of Member Type of Interest Details about Interest Minute Number Details in Interest Book Town Councillor Comber Pecuniary Comber Enterprises (Current Website provider) 10 Yes 2

3. Minutes of the last Full Town Council Meeting held on the 18th May 2017. These Minutes were received, considered and agreed, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).

4. Clerks Report/Update – There were no updates.

5. Chairman’s Communications – The Chairman was pleased that some excellent progress has been made with the emerging Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan and the Questionnaires and thanked the small pro-active Working Party for their hard work and commitment and reminded Councillors about the imminent public engagement sessions on the 4th, 6th and 8th July 2017 at various venues around the Town. Councillor Beecroft-Smith advised Councillors that the Public Inquiry regarding the proposal to build 300 dwellings on Land off of Bell Lane will be held from the 8th August from 10am at the District Council Offices at Melton, Suffolk and is expected to finish on the 11th August 2017. Councillor Beecroft-Smith was pleased to report on the Vice Chair – Town Councillor Patten’s attendance on behalf of the Council on the 21st May 2017 to the Southwold Mayor’s Civic Service. The Chairman wished to extend his appreciation and thanks to Mrs Marsh and other members of staff for their sterling work in coordinating and organising the Litter Pick, the excellent Mobile Skate Park event held during the May/June half term holiday and for the successful Big Lunch Fun Day on the 10th June 2017. Councillor Beecroft-Smith wished to especially thank Mrs Marsh and Officers for so freely giving of their own personal time in order to streamline and make these community initiative events such a huge success. The Big Lunch Fun Day was another opportunity for the many clubs and voluntary organisations in the Town to come together to showcase what they represent. The event demonstrated the strong community spirit in Kesgrave and shows the village ethos is still at the heart of Kesgrave, even though it is now a large Town. The Chairman reminded the Council about its Standing Orders and social media policy and emphasised that all press releases and responses via social media should be via the Clerk as the Council’s Press Officer or the Chairman of the Council. Councillors should not be making Town Council suggestions to members of the public prior to any matter being considered and a decision being made by the Council.

6. Members of the Public – One Member of the Public spoke and congratulated Mrs Marsh and the Town Council for the great success of the Big Lunch Fun Day on Saturday, 10th June 2017. He spoke about the overgrown hedges in the alley way from the bus stop on Ropes Drive down past Peasey Gardens to Cedarwood School. The Clerk agreed to report this matter.

7. County and District Councillors Reports – Councillors received and noted the written reports, verbal presentations and asked questions and raised points of clarification. (Copies with Minute Book). Town, District and County Councillor Lawson’s written Report was not received with regard to his District Councillor business. Town and District Councillor Lynch’s written Report was received and noted. His Report included details about him being re-elected as the Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee for the ensuing year and he reported that he will remain on the Scrutiny Committee and Grants Committee. 3 He advised that there will be some changes as the District Council’s accounts and audits are brought in line with the new framework set out by the new Governance Framework. Town and District Councillor Lynch referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written detailed report below. District Councillor Mower’s written Report was received and noted, including updates on the Enabling Broadband Project and the Suffolk Better Broadband Programme which aims to provide superfast fibre broadband coverage across the county within the £200,000 budget, although it is recognised that it is likely that 2-3% of properties across the county will not have access to reasonable broadband services, the Scrutiny Committee where assistance with genuine examples of homes receiving poor broadband speeds has been requested by the 31st August 2017 and in readiness for the Meeting in September 2017 with the Chief Executive of BT Open Reach, the Threat Level in Suffolk and the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre which raised the national threat level from severe to critical and the close contact by the District Council with Suffolk Constabulary in order to understand the local threat level for Suffolk and the Eastern region and the film and leaflet advice for those caught up in an incident, the Countdown to the Tour of Britain which will be coming to the Suffolk Coastal District on the 8th September 2017, where it is hoped that this national event will inspire greater leisure, activity and health opportunities for east Suffolk as reflected in the District Council’s Business Plan. District Councillor Mower also provided details about the Suffolk Day on Wednesday, 21st June 2017 to celebrate Suffolk’s history, art and culture, cutting edge technology, stunning coastline, wildlife, food and drink, businesses, sport, the university etc.

8. Co-Opted Town Councillor Vacancy following Resignation of Town Councillor – Councillors welcomed Lesley Ventriglia to the Meeting. Her Resume was received and noted. The Clerk advised the Council that a by-election has not been called. Following the proposal, which was seconded and voted on, it was unanimously agreed that Lesley Ventriglia join the Town Council as a co-opted Town Councillor. She was congratulated on her new role. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.

9. Fully-Funded PCSO Report & Safer Neighbourhood Team Police Report in Partnership with Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council – May 2017 – Councillors received and noted the May 2017 PCSO Report. (Copies in Minute Book). The Report includes details about the PCSO being an Autism Champion following his training, assisting with a neighbourhood dispute on Grange Farm which revolved around playing football, dealing with parking issues in Bell Lane, commercial vehicles and highway visibility splay blockages onto Ropes Drive and the footpath in the area of Wilkinson Drive, attending the Annual Town Council Meeting on the 15th May 2017 in order to answer Councillors questions and queries, working a late shift to engage with local youth at the Cedarwood Green Teen Shelter, dealing with anti-social moped activity, assisting with Police warning letters following on from the Rushmere St Andrew and Kesgrave Community Speed Watch scheme and attendance at court hearings – depending on the levels of the speeding, conducting the school parking campaign, and alerting the public to burglaries in the area both at residential and business properties. 4

10. Finance and Governance  Schedule of Accounts – Mrs Jimpson responded to queries and clarified points for Councillors. Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, payments in the sum of £37,584.02 and a transfer of £28,000.00 from the savings account to meet these payments. (Copy with Minute Book).  Finance and Governance Committee Meeting – 5 th June 2017 – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 5 th June 2017. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book), including approval of the Grants to three organisations as detailed in the Minutes and the Neighbourhood Plan delegation to the Planning and Development Committee.

11. Planning and Development Committee Meetings Minutes – 22nd May 2017 and 5th June 2017– Councillors received and noted the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on the 22nd May 2017 and the 5th June 2017, following the vote. The Council has agreed (Minute Number 10 above) that the Planning and Development Committee will have delegated powers for the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party and agree any recommendations from this Working Party. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

12. Working Party Meetings  Traffic and Pedestrian Working Party Meeting Minutes – 15th May 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed these Minutes. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).  Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Meeting Minutes – 18th May 2017 and 7th June 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed these Minutes. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

13. Community Services Matters  Community and Recreation Committee Meeting – 22nd May 2017 – Councillors received and agreed, following the vote, the minutes of the Community and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes held on the 22nd May 2017, including the Grounds Maintenance Contracts, and the expenses for the Mobile Skate Park and Big Lunch Fun Day. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

14. Report from the Clerk and Press Officer – Councillors received an update, including the latest local publications, press, radio and social media articles and photograph details. These included: details regarding the Community Litter Pick (May 2017), the Kesgrave Mobile Skate Park week event (May/June 2017) and the Kesgrave Big Lunch Fun Day and some publicity about hiring the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH). Councillors were delighted to hear about Mrs Marsh the Council’s Service Development Coordinator’s live interview on the Lesley Dolphin Afternoon Show on the 6th June 2017.

15. Chairman/Clerk Other/Urgent Communications – The Clerk reported on the mailing received from the Active Communities Officer of the District Council asking the Town Council whether it supports the Kesgrave Cricket Club application of £3,000.00 via the Section 106 funding pot for the Town. 5 This is for the purchase of an outdoor cricket practice facility. Councillors noted that a response is needed by the 6th July 2017 and that if the Town Council supports this Outdoor Playing Space Fund application, then other funders are likely to support the project in partnership. They noted that the Cricket Club will be more inclusive and that the facilities will be utilised by the local Kesgrave Schools. The Council is currently in preliminary discussion with the Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre (KWMCC) – landowners of the Cricket Club with regard to the possibility in the future of the installation of play equipment on land near to the Cricket Club for younger children/toddlers. Following the vote, it was agreed to support this application.

16. Spark (Sports and Recreation in Kesgrave) – Councillors received a brief update from Councillor Patten, following on from the Meeting held with the Spark Chair on the 7 th June 2017. They noted the excellent funding opportunities available for the benefit of the Town via Spark. The Spark Chair had highlighted the constitution of Spark and kindly agreed to forward a copy of this to the Town Council. It was noted that Spark cannot assist with salaries or support financially organisations which are based outside of Kesgrave. Within the Meeting, discussions included more partnership working and “joined up thinking” with the Town Council. For example, Spark may not be able to assist with funding that the Town Council can assist with via its Grants scheme and Section 137 and vice versa. This sort of planning ahead within the Town Council’s Budget system and Precept request will assist Kesgrave local residents and organisations by way of a running 2/3 year’ Business Plan via the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. The Spark Chair will ensure that a Town Council Officer gets invited to Spark Meetings, where it was noted that Spark meets at least four times per annum, normally on Monday evenings. Spark noted that the Town Council will be utilising the engagement and consultation work with its local residents and organisations via the emerging Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan to ensure that projects meet the needs and wishes of our electorate. The Spark Chair emphasised the Charity’s intentions to reinvest some of its capital to ensure the long- term sustainability of Spark, together with re-negotiating its Lease for the 2nd Stop Charity Shop premises.

17. July Town Council Meeting – Councillors considered the request from Councillor Spittle to change the date of this Meeting from the 24th July 2017 to the 10th July 2017. It was noted that the Clerk is away on holiday on the 10th July 2017 and that it will be the Business and Development Manager’s first day back at work after her holiday. Following the vote, it was agreed to adjourn this item until after Minute Number 23 of these Minutes have been discussed and agreed.

18. Kesgrave High School Government and Local Politics Students – The Council considered and agreed in principal, following the vote, that the Vice-Chair could pursue with the High School, that pupils studying Government and Politics could visit the Town Council Offices for learning opportunities, have a tour of the Town Council offices and also possibly for students to attend an appropriate Town Council or Committee Meeting.

19. Suffolk Helping Hands – The Council considered and agreed, following the vote, that the Town Council offices could be used as one of the drop-off point for food donations’ on a six-month trial period, although it was mindful of the office part-time opening days and hours. Councillor Patten will lead with this initiative. 6

20. Newsletters & Circulars – the latest publications were received and noted:-  The Kesgrave Flyer magazine.  The Kesgrave Intouch magazine.

21. Resolution to exclude the Public and the Press – The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Council considered and agreed, following the vote, to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.

22. Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 13th February 2017 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 13th February 2017. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book).

23. Kesgrave Town Council Youth Club – The Council will receive an update on the latest position and will be asked to receive, consider and agree the next stages.

24. Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 5th June 2017 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 5th June 2017. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book). Date of the next Full Town Council Meeting – Monday, 24th July 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council Offices. This part of the Meeting concluded in order to facilitate the second and confidential section of the Meeting in order to consider and agree the confidential matter.

Chairman ……………………………………………………..Date………………………

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