Full Town Council Meeting, February 13th 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 13th February 2017 in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors: A Athwall (Apologies) K Archer N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council) R Bridgeman A Comber G Derrick D Fairbrother S Fairbrother G Hamilton S Lawson (Apologies) G Lynch J Ogden (Vice-Chairman of the Council) P Mills R Spittle (Apologies) I Wallace

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements (Town Clerk)
  • Mrs C Marsh (Service Development Co-Ordinator)
  • District Councillor Mower
  • County Councillor Hudson
  • County Councillor Whiting (From Minute No 5)
  • Four Members of the Public

1. Welcome and to Receive Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Meeting, including new Town Councillors Derrick and Hamilton to their respective first full Town Council Meeting since being co-opted as Town Councillors. Apologies for absence were received from Mrs Jimpson the Business and Development Manager, Town Councillors Athwall and Spittle, Town and District Councillor Lawson and District Councillor McCallum.

2. Declarations of Interest – The following Declarations of Interest were made. (Full details in the Interest Book). Name of Member Type of Interest Details about Interest Minute Number Details in Interest Book Town Councillor Comber NonPecuniary 1 st Kesgrave Scout Group 10 (Schedule of Accounts) Yes 2 Town Councillor BeecroftSmith NonPecuniary One company who provided a quotation is known to him 13 (Town Guide and Website) Yes Town Councillor Comber Pecuniary Comber Enterprises (Current Website provider) 13 (Town Guide and Website) Yes Town Councillor D Fairbrother NonPecuniary Cedarwood Green, local resident of the area. 16 (Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meetings) Yes Town Councillor S Fairbrother NonPecuniary Cedarwood Green, local resident of the area. 16 (Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meetings) Yes

3. Minutes of the last Full Town Council Meeting held on the 16th January 2017. These Minutes were received, considered and agreed, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).

4. Clerks Report/Update Matters Arising Minute Number 4 – Speed Watch Scheme – Councillors noted that the Speed Watch Partnership scheme is progressing and the necessary equipment has been ordered. Arrangements are underway regarding securing the necessary Volunteers for this scheme.  Matters Arising Minute Number 5 – Land off of Bell Lane, Kesgrave – Proposal for 300 New Houses – The Clerk advised the Council that the details of the Public Inquiry and actual dates are still awaited from the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and the Planning Inspectorate of the Secretary of State.  Matters Arising Minute Number 10 – Fully Funded PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) – The Council noted that a Meeting will be held with Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council and Suffolk Constabulary during week commencing the 20th February 2017, in order to discuss the revised Service Level Agreement (SLA) in greater detail, with a view to signing off this Agreement.

5. Chairman’s Communications – The Chairman – Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith was delighted to welcome new Town Councillors to the Council. He raised his concerns about quorums and non-attendance at Committee, Town Council Meetings and Training sessions by some Councillors. 3 Councillor Beecroft-Smith thanked District and County Councillors and also Spark (Sports and Recreation in Kesgrave), for their respective generous financial contributions to various community projects in the Town. Town Councillor BeecroftSmith also thanked Mrs Marsh this Council’s Service Development Co-ordinator and Mrs Abbott this Council’s Service Development Administrator for their respective hard work and professionalism in steering these important and valued projects forward. The Chairman thanked the Vice Chair – Town Councillor Ogden for representing the Town Council at various Meetings and he emphasised the importance of this Council formally responding to consultations and having “a say” on behalf of local residents and for the good of Kesgrave. Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith emphasised the importance of Town Councillors being more actively involved with community projects in order to support the small parttime Officer Team in comparison to the ever increasing and already large population of Kesgrave, in order to serve the electorate and add value as a Town Councillor. County Councillor Whiting arrived at this point of the Meeting.

6. Members of the Public – No Members of the Public wished to speak at this point of the Meeting.

7. County and District Councillors Reports – Councillors received and noted the written reports, verbal presentations and asked questions and points of clarification. (Copies with Minute Book). Councillors received and noted the January 2017 written Newsletter from County Councillors Hudson and Whiting’s, where the updates included information about improvements to GCSE results, the Post 16 Home to School Travel Policy Consultation which finished on the 10th February 2017, the new Report and Vision for Mental Health in Suffolk, including endeavouring to reduce suicide in Suffolk by 10% over the next five years, and Ipswich becoming one of the 12 “Opportunity Areas” which includes a package of education programmes designed to help young people progress from nursery school through the education system and eventually, into employment where £6 million of funding has been pledged. County Councillor Hudson addressed the Meeting and commented and provided updates where appropriate, to attendees regarding Devolution, the proposed Sizewell C, Housing Development generally in the Kesgrave area, the Northern Fringe, the proposed development at Martlesham Heath, Unitary, Elderly People and Resources with regard to care, and possible future increases in national insurance and taxation, due to insufficient “pots of money” currently. County Councillor Whiting addressed the Meeting and updated Councillors regarding the temporary traffic lights on the Main Road, near to the High School for drainage works from the 13th – 17th February 2017. Ropes Drive and the imminent lighting improvements. Hedging and Footpath work which is ongoing along the Main Road until the end of March 2017. The proposed No Right Turn at Doctor Watsons Lane consultation which is ongoing, the Town Council’s formal response and suggestions received from Councillor Mills in this regard. County Councillor Whiting responded to queries and questions including parking spaces and consultation relating to Planning and Development generally and the Highways Department of the County Council and its observations and responses. 4 County Councillor Whiting agreed to look into the signage near to All Saints Church regarding the traffic lights and report back to the Town Council accordingly with an update. Town and District Councillor Lawson’s written Report was received and noted. His Report included updates on his Enabling Communities Budget for this financial year and how helpful and informative he found the Town Councillor Bespoke Training session on the 6th February 2017. Town and District Councillor Lawson referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written report below. Town and District Councillor Lynch’s written report was received and noted. His report included details about the Meetings that he had attended. He has agreed in principle grants to the Town Council under the terms of his District Councillor Enabling Communities Budget Scheme for the purchase of an I-pad to assist with engagement work on the Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan, this could also assist Town Council Officers to work more smartly when undertaking visual and written risk assessments. Councillor Lynch’s Report included updates on the merger with Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council. The Scrutiny Committee and the Draft General Fund Budget 2017/2018, his District Councillor Enabling Communities Budget for this financial year and recommendations of a revision to the criteria as part of the Enabling Communities Task Group. The implementation of the Civil Parking Enforcement in East Suffolk. He also referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written Report below. District Councillor Mower’s written Report was received and noted, including updates on the merger between Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council, which will create the largest District Council in the country. The proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station and the joint consultation response by the District and County Councils to EDF Energy, where more information and detail has been requested regarding the proposal. The proposals for Civil Parking Enforcement in East Suffolk, where Suffolk is one of the few counties in England where District Councils do not have this responsibility and parking enforcement is still carried out by the Police, options in this regard including possible on-street pay and display integrated with street parking enforcement. The East Suffolk Environmental Policy and the request to approve this Policy in conjunction with the East Suffolk Business Plan and the environmental agenda within East Suffolk. The East Suffolk Performance Report, Treasury Management and Investment Strategy for 2017/2018, the Draft General Fund Budget 2017/2018. Approval of The Site Allocation and Area Specific Policies Development Plan and the Felixstowe Peninsula Area Action Plan in conjunction with the forecast and demand for housing in the District. Car Park improvement works. Melton Hill furniture, offer Parish/Town Councils and Community Groups for this second-hand, no longer needed furniture, where a donation has been made to the local RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals) and the report also provided information about the Holiday Activities Funding available until the 10th March 2017 for community groups. 5

8. Fully-Funded PCSO Report in Partnership with Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council – January 2017 – Councillors received and noted the PCSO report for January 2017. (Copy in Minute Book). The report included details about the work at Kesgrave High School, including the Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm incident with older students at the School, work with the Youth Offending Team, the Community Resolution with the Youth Offending Team which may lead to the prosecution of the student/s involved and the implications of an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service check), and three truanting students from the High School and meetings with the Headteacher. There has been no reporting of any vehicles causing disturbances at the Millennium Sports Field Car Park, which is pleasing. Other incidents include cars frequenting the car park at the Grange Business Centre on Tommy Flowers Drive, Kesgrave. Councillors noted the campaign to remind drivers of the parking regulations in the area of local Schools, including large banners placed at the entrances to the Schools. “Paws on Patrol” scheme to assist with dog fouling issues. Work on the Community Speed Watch partnership scheme between Kesgrave Town Council and Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council and the purchase of more vehicle activated signs, abstraction from the area due to a serious fire in East Ipswich and activities relating to crime enquiries, motor vehicle offences, road traffic collisions and managing traffic control. Councillors received and noted the Norfolk and Suffolk Police Ipswich East Safer Neighbourhood Team Report. (Copy in Minute Book). They noted that since the January 2017 Report there have been 18 crimes recorded in Kesgrave, Occasional burglaries in business premises and residential properties updates, Twitter Accounts for the Police, and the on-line Police Connect website. The abstraction from Kesgrave following the recent murder at Ancaster Road, Ipswich was noted together with attendance by the PCSO at the recent Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meeting on the 9th February 2017.

9. Co-opted Town Councillor Vacancies – Councillors considered the co-opted casual vacancy as a result of Town Councillor Goodchild’s resignation due to her ill-health. Following the applications and interests expressed by two local residents Ms Becky Patten and Ms Lesley Ventriglia, Councillors received and noted Ms Patten and Ms Ventriglia’s respective Resumes. Following the vote, it was agreed that Ms Patten be co-opted to the Town Council under the terms of the casual vacancy, it is considered that her experience and skills set will compliment, and enhance those of existing Town Councillors. Ms Patten was congratulated, welcomed to the Council and asked to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Councillors agreed that Ms Ventriglia is also quite suitably experienced and would be considered very favourably for any future Town Councillor co-opted role.

10. Finance and Governance  Schedule of Accounts – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, payments in the sum of £18,744.16. Councillors noted the schedule of receipts since the previous meeting and reconciled the payments. (Copy with Minute Book). 6  Finance and Governance Committee Meeting – 30th January 2017 – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 30th January 2017. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book), including various Grants to local organisations, the revised Terms of Reference and Delegation of Powers to Committees and the following:- o Minute Number 8 – The Effectiveness of Internal Audit (including Internal Audit, Independence, Competence, Relationships, Planning and Reporting – this was considered and approved, following the vote; o Minute Number 9 – The Asset Register – this was received, considered and approved, following the vote; o Minute Number 10 – Risk Assessments – these were considered and approved, following the vote.

11. Planning and Development Committee Meetings Minutes – 16th January 2017 and 30th January 2017 – Councillors received and agreed/noted the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on the 16th January 2017 and the 30th January 2017. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book). The Chairman – Town Councillor Mills welcomed Town Councillor Derrick to the Planning and Development Committee for the ensuing year. Councillor Mills asked Councillors to consider attending the Planning Seminar with Town Councillor Ogden in Mildenhall, Suffolk as discussed at the Planning and Development Committee Meeting this evening – 13th February 2017 and prior to this particular Town Council Meeting.

12. Community Services Matters  Extraordinary Community and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes – 30th January 2017 – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, the Extraordinary Community and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes of 30th January 2017, including:- o Oak Meadow Ear-Marked Reserve Fund for £495.00 for essential Tree Work; o Oak Meadow Expenditure of £270,25 – to be taken from the relevant Ear-Marked Reserve Fund for the installation of a removable bollard across the entrance of the field. The Chairman – Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith, declared a non-pecuniary interest, at this stage of the Meeting for the following item. He duly signed the relevant Declaration of Interest Book, as the company who have provided a quotation is known to him.

13. Town Guide and Website – Councillors received and considered the details and expenditure as presented by Mrs Marsh. A full and detailed discussion ensued. It was agreed, following the vote, to defer a decision on this proposal until further details are known, including the terms and conditions, ownership, and any clauses of the website if the contractor was to change, to establish if it is a bespoke management system and that this matter should be reconsidered at the next full Town Council Meeting on the 13th March 2017, ideally with more information and possibly a presentation by the most competitive quotation provider. 7

14. Report from the Clerk and Press Officer – Councillors received an update, including the latest local publications, press, radio and social media articles and photograph details. These included: details of the next Town Council Meeting, a request for Volunteers to assist at the Tuesday evening Town Council Kesgrave Youth Club, Kesgrave Market update, Play Area and Open Spaces news update, Annual Town Meeting information, the Big Lunch Fun Day update for Saturday, 10th June 2017, a Tribute to Kesgrave News and the last edition which is in March 2017, details about the Senior Citizens Outing on the 16th August 2017, details about the Mobile Skate Park Project, Anti-Social Behaviour updates and reminders, including relating to dogs and parking issues, the PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) update, and Composting training and information.

15. Volunteer Recognition Event – It was agreed, following the vote, to ask the Alice Grange Care Home for further information about this volunteer community event, which will be held on Saturday, 22nd April 2017. Mrs Marsh emphasised the importance of Volunteers in Kesgrave for many of the community projects led by the Town Council. Once further information is to hand, Mrs Marsh will circulate the details.

16. Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meetings – Kesgrave Matters – Councillors received a brief verbal update from Town Councillor Comber following his attendance at the recent Meetings on the 12th January and 9th February 2017 respectfully. Updates included matters known at the time of the said Meetings, the lighting at Cedarwood Green being under discussion. The imminent new play equipment at Oak Meadow, informal preliminary discussions with the District Council regarding the possible transfer of the play equipment and land at Holly Road. The Community Speed Watch partnership scheme and feedback being sought by Inspector Salmon regarding the future of the 12 PT Meetings. Councillors noted that the next Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meeting is scheduled for the 16th March 2017.

17. Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils – Councillors received and noted the formal letter regarding the merger. (Copy in Minute Book).

18. Working Party Meetings  Play Area and Open Spaces Working Party Meeting – 23rd January 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed the Minutes of the Play Area and Open Spaces Working Party Meeting held on the 23rd January 2017. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).  Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Meeting – 6 th February 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed the Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Meeting held on the 6th February 2017. (Minutes Attached).

19. Chairman/Clerk Other/Urgent Communications – The following was received and noted: Ditch Clearance Works and Temporary Traffic Signals – Main Road, (near to Kesgrave High School – Councillors noted that this work will take place from the 13th February – 17th February 2017 and during the School half term week. 8

20. Newsletters & Circulars – the latest publications were received and noted:- Kesgrave News – latest edition;  Kesgrave Flyer – latest edition; In-Touch Magazine – latest edition.

21. Resolution to exclude the Public and the Press – The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Council considered and agreed to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.

22. Kesgrave Town Council Youth Club – Councillors will receive an update from the Clerk and the Chairman of the Council. Date of the next Full Town Council Meeting – Monday, 13th March 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council Offices. This part of the Meeting concluded in order to facilitate the second and confidential section of the Meeting in order to consider and agree the confidential matters.

Chairman ……………………………………………………..Date………………………

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