Full Council, September 11th 2017

Agenda items

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

Finance & Full Council Agenda


Full Council Meeting Minutes - Kesgrave Town Council



  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 11th September 2017
  • in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council


Councillors present:

  • Athwall K Archer
  • N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council)
  • R Bridgeman
  • A Comber
  • G Derrick
  • D Fairbrother
  • S Fairbrother (Apologies)
  • G Hamilton (Apologies)
  • S Lawson (Apologies)
  • G Lynch (Apologies)
  • P Mills
  • R Patten (Vice-Chair of the Council)
  • R Spittle
  • L Ventriglia
  • I Wallace (Not Present and No Apologies for Absence given)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements (Town Clerk)
  • Mrs D Jimpson (Business and Development Manager)
  • Ms S Hall – Town Council’s Transport Liaison Representative and Chair of Transport and Pedestrian Working Party
  • District Councillor McCallum (Up to Minute Number 7)
  • Two Members of the Public
  1. Welcome and to Receive Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Town Councillors S Fairbrother and Hamilton, Town, District and County Councillor Lawson, Town and District Councillor Lynch, District Councillor Mower and County Councillor Whiting. Town Councillor Wallace was not present and did not send an apology for absence.
  2. Declarations of Interest – The following Declarations of Interest were made. (Full details in the Interest Book).
  1. Minutes of the last Full Town Council Meeting held on the 24th July 2017. These Minutes were received, considered and agreed, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).
  1. Clerks Report/Update
  • Minute Number 17 – KALGA (Kesgrave Allotment and Leisure Garden Association Ltd)Open DaySunday, 20thAugust 2017 Councillors Archer, Athwall and Ventriglia were thanked by Councillors for attending this event on behalf of the Town Council, where they participated in the competition for the Best Kept Plots and joined a shared picnic after this event.
  1. Chairman’s Communications – The Chairman – Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith thanked the Vice Chair – Town Councillor Patten for the time expended and her hard work in preparation on behalf of the Town Council for the August Public Inquiry regarding the proposal to build 300 dwellings on land off of Bell Lane. He also thanked this Council’s Transport Liaison Representative and Chair of the Transport and Pedestrian Working Party – Ms S Hall for her hard work at the Inquiry and also, Local Resident – Ms J Cody, who represented local people. Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith thanked Councillors Archer, Athwall and Ventriglia for attending the KALGA (Kesgrave Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Association) Open Day on behalf of the Town

Council on the 20th August 2017. He thanked all of those involved with assisting with the very successful and popular Senior Citizens Outing to Felixstowe on the 16th August 2017. The Chairman reported on his attendance and assistance with the presentations at Kesgrave Library on Sunday, 10th September 2017 for the Summer Reading Challenge, and was pleased to be able to represent the Town Council at this popular and well-attended community project.

  1. Members of  the  Public  –  Ms  Hall  the  Town  Council’s  Transport  Liaison

Representative and Chair of its Transport and Pedestrian Working Party, updated the

Meeting regarding the Community Transport Meeting which took place on the 4th September 2017. (See Minute Number 11 as detailed below).

One Member of the Public thanked Kesgrave All Saints Church for its recent service and military personnel event. Thanks were also expressed for the funding contributions towards this event. It was noted that the Church are proposing further similar, memorable events for next year.

  1. County and District Councillors Reports – Councillors received and noted the written Report from District Councillor Mower. (Copy with Minute Book).

There was no written County Councillor County Report.

District Councillor Lawson did not submit a written District Report. District Councillor Lynch did not submit a written District Report.

District Councillor McCallum updated the Meeting with regard to arrangements for the

Kesgrave Fireworks event on the 5th November 2017, where she was pleased to advise that arrangements are well-underway.

She referred to the 5 Year Land supply for the District. Councillor McCallum, through the Town Council Meeting, thanked Kesgrave All Saints Church for some of its recent community events in the Town. She also updated the Meeting about other various matters as included and detailed below within District Councillor Mower’s written report.

Councillor McCallum left the Meeting at this point.

District Councillor Mower’s excellent, detailed and informative written report was received and noted, including updates on the East Suffolk Business Plan 2015-2023, where a Local Authority Trading Company, wholly owned by the District Council is created. Specialist advice, including legal advice will be sought. Other updates also included the Discretionary Business Rates Relief Scheme, where the Government allocate £300m, the Suffolk Coastal Cabinet Meeting on the 5th September 2017 which dealt with the Disabled Facilities Grants and an amendment to this funding, as there have been concerns about a more flexible, more efficient and effective service being delivered, Civil Penalties under the Housing and Planning Act 2016, where penalties can be imposed on private landlords who breach certain enforcement provisions, the Consultation on the Future Management of off-street and on-street Parking Restrictions, the Asset Transactions and Transfer of Land to Parish/Town Councils, including the Section 106 (previous development legal agreement) transfer for the Holly Road Play Area, Kesgrave and Dobbs Drift Play Area, Kesgrave – which has a value of £2,000 but this equates to nil, if the maintenance costs are reduced and eventually diminished in future years, the work on Deben Leisure Centre, Woodbridge, (used by Kesgrave residents), which started on the 4th September 2017 and is likely to take some 10 months and which is funded by the District Council (£2.5m) and Sport England National Lottery Funding (£500,000), the Tour of Britain cycling coming past Kesgrave High School on the 8th September 2017, the “Have your Say on Dog Controls” and the Public Space Protection Orders consultation which includes proposals to keep dogs on leads, excluding dogs from all fenced and gated children’s play areas and protecting ground level nesting birds. This consultation closes on the 22nd September 2017. District Councillor Mower’s Report also included information about the “Help Plan for Future Developments” consultation in conjunction with the Local Development Plan, which helps to shape residential and commercial development in the District, where this consultation closes on the 30th October 2017. The Air Quality Consultation relating to specific areas of concern in Woodbridge and the A12 at Stratford St Andrew were noted, where measures to reduce the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide include moving the 30 mph (miles per hour) speed signage further along the A12 outside of the village of Stratford St Andrew.

  1. Fully-Funded PCSO Report & Safer Neighbourhood Team Police Report in Partnership with Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council – July, August and September 2017 – Councillors received and noted the July 2017 PCSO Report. They noted that the funded PCSO is now based at offices in Woodbridge (effective from the

9th September 2017), due to the previous offices being sold. The Report included details about the PCSO working a late shift on the 1st July, anti-social behaviour at the underpass near to Kesgrave Library – including around 30 youths playing loud music, screaming, urinating, alcohol consumption and criminal damage. The young people were searched for alcohol and they then moved on.

Updates included a report of anti-social driving involving cars on the 1st July at the Tesco Extra car park, a section 59 warning notice to a moped driver, obtaining a bag of Cannabis from the moped driver and so another warning notice was issued, the youth subsequently being arrested and detained for driving under the influence of drugs, assisting with the community Speed Watch scheme and identification of 39 speeding offences, seizing of “fidget spinners” – a new craze where these resemble blades/knives, cutting through the fence with wire cutters or bolt croppers at the Suffolk Aviation Heritage Museum on Foxhall Road (between Dobbs Lane and Bell Lane), and climbing the tower which is approximately 160 feet high and where extra Police Patrols have been arranged because of the danger of this activity, assisting with a neighbourhood dispute involving an elderly couple and a lady with mental health issues in partnership with other agencies and burglaries at business and residential properties still occurring. The August 2017 Report provided an update regarding the Service Level Agreement (SLA) and working late evening shifts as required and requested, a speed indication device being deployed locally, warnings to speeding motorists, warning letters to youths regarding noise and anti-social behaviour in the car park of Kiln Nursery after the business has closed, liaison with the District Council regarding litter, fly tipping, and dog fouling offences, more engagement with young people to help with deterring anti-social behaviour, relocation to the Woodbridge Safer Neighbourhood Office on the 9th September 2017, and the reduction in burglaries at residential and business properties. The September PCSO Report confirmed that 28 crimes had been recorded in Kesgrave since the last Report on the 24th July 2017. These were as follows:-

  • 4 x Theft or Unauthorised Taking of a Pedal Cycle – 2 x Ropes Dr, 12 Acre Approach, Foxhall Rd.
  • 3 x Theft if not classified elsewhere – Butler Smith Gardens, Wilkinson Drive, Penzance Road.
  • 3 x Criminal Damage, other (Under £5,000) – Oak Meadow (cycle), Ropes Drive, Foxhall Road.
  • 2 x Having possession of a controlled drug (Cannabis) Main Rd, Cedarwood Green Teen Shelter.
  • 2 x Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) – Bracken Avenue, Dobbs Lane.
  • 2 x Other criminal damage to a dwelling (Under £5,000) – Wolton Road, The
  • 2 x Racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage – Halls Drift, Wolton
  • 1 x Making Off Without Payment (Taxi) – Herbert Road.
  • 1 x Assault without Injury – Common assault and battery – Scopes Road.
  • 1 x Assault without injury on a Constable – Hall Road.
  • 1 x Criminal Damage to a vehicle (Under £5,000) – Thomas Crescent.
  • 1 x Sec 4a Public Order Act Causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress – Dobbs Lane.
  • 1 x Causing danger to road-users – Doctor Watson’s Lane.
  • 1 x Dangerous Driving – Bell Lane.
  • 1 x Theft from Shops and Stalls – Ropes Drive.
  • 1 x Theft of a Motor Vehicle – Heath View.
  • 1 x Other Miscellaneous Investigation (use of drone) – Carlton Road.

(Full details available upon request).

  1. Finance and Governance
  • Schedule of Accounts – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, payments from the 26th July 2017 to the 12th September 2017 in the sum of £55,156.67. (Copy with Minute Book).
  • Transfer from Business Saver account to Current account – Councillors received the details, considered and agreed, following the vote, for this transfer of £23,000.
  • Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 4th September 2017

– Councillors received and agreed these Minutes, following the vote, including the agreement to proceed with the alternative ICT provider, after receiving, considering and agreeing the further information sought. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

  • External Audit opinion 2016-17 – Councillors noted that the audit opinion had been received and confirmed that the annual return was in accordance with proper practices. These details were received and approved following the vote. Mrs Jimpson was thanked for her excellent diligent work in this regard.
  • LCR Subscription Publication – The Council considered and agreed, following the vote, not to continue with this subscription at £17.00 p.a.
  1. Planning and Development Committee Meetings Minutes – 31st July 2017, 14th August 2017 and 4th September 2017– Councillors received and noted the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on the 31st July 2017, the 14th August 2017 and the 4th September 2017. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).
  2. Working Party Meetings
  • Transport and Pedestrian Working Party Meeting31st July 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed these Minutes, following the vote. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).
  • Community Transport Meeting4thSeptember 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed these Notes, following the vote. They noted that BSEVC (Bury St Edmunds Voluntary Cars) is a Charity and provides services via the Ipswich Connecting Community Service, overseen by Suffolk County Council. The role of BSEVC is to recruit volunteers for this service. However, if Kesgrave wanted to join in this service it could work in partnership and generate a volunteer recruitment campaign in order to assist Kesgrave residents who are unable to use public bus services, (subject to the terms and conditions of the scheme).
  • Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Meeting – 5thSeptember 2017 – Councillors received an update on this Meeting and received, considered and agreed the Notes, following the vote. They noted that a Working Party Budget Meeting had also taken place this evening – 11th September 2017.
  1. Community Services Matters
  • Mrs Jimpson reported that the wooden trim-trail at Oak Meadow has been highlighted by the play inspection company as requiring some attention, due to rotting and splitting of the wood, in some sections. The Council noted that it would cost £2,493.00 to refurbish this equipment and bring it up to a safe standard. Following the vote, it was agreed to proceed with this work and the expenditure will be taken from the Play Area Reserves.
  1. Request to use a ‘Cedar Tree’ Logo – Councillors considered the request received from “Kesgrave Kruisers” – a newly established volunteer Running Club. The Group has asked to use a Cedar Tree, similar to the Town Council’s logo, as part of the club’s logo in order to advertise the Club and include the image on athletes running clothes. Following a discussion and subsequent vote, it was agreed to allow this usage.
  2. Report from the Clerk and Press Officer Councillors received and noted the written Report and update, including the latest local publications, press, radio and social media articles and photograph details. These included: details regarding Speeding, the new Town Guide, new Town Council Website, Lost Property, Thank you to Mrs C Marsh, Youth Provision updates, Community Transport in Kesgrave, promotion of the Town Council’s Market and its 6th Anniversary celebrations and an article regarding the forthcoming Ice Skating event in November 2017.
  3. Woodbridge and District Anti-Social Behaviour Meeting 20th July 2017 – Councillors noted the updates exchanged at this Forum including the additional speeding device which has been ordered from the funding of the previous 12PT Group, parking letters which have been issued by Kesgrave High School, in partnership with the Town Council and the Police, parking tickets which have been issued by the Police for illegal or dangerous parking at Kesgrave Schools, “Respect” Cones and the Transport and Pedestrian Working Party Meeting on the 31st July 2017 and the restructuring of the Town Council’s Youth Club.
  1. Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation – Councillors received and considered these consultation details which relate to the control of dogs and other matters. The Clerk provided an outline about the proposals and the consultation. It was noted that the consultation deadline is the 22nd September 2017. It was agreed that Councillors will provide any comments or feedback outside of the Meeting to the Clerk.
  1. Silver Sunday 1st October 2017 – Celebration of Older People – national initiative. The Clerk advised that she had shared this information with all Churches in Kesgrave, all Schools, Kesgrave Library, the Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre (KWMCC) and local Care Homes, in order to establish if these community stakeholders are organising any events.
  2. Chairman/Clerk Other/Urgent Communications There were not matters raised.
  3. Newsletters & Circulars – the latest publications were received and noted:-
  • The Flyer;
  1. Resolution to exclude the Public and the PressThe Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Council considered and agreed, following the vote, to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.
  1. Confidential Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 24th July 2017 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 24th July 2017. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book).
  2. Confidential Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 4th September 2017 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the Confidential Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 4th September 2017. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book).

Date of the next Full Town Council Meeting – Monday, 20th November 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council Offices.

Ferguson Way
Ipswich IP5 2FZ England GB
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Town Council Office Opening Hours Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am - 1.00pm

Thursday Closed

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march, 2025

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