Full Council Meeting, July 24th 2017

Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.


Full Council Agenda PDF Full Council Meeting Minutes PDF

  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Full Town Council Meeting held on 24th July 2017
  • in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council

Councillors present:

  • Athwall K Archer
  • N Beecroft-Smith (Chairman of the Council)
  • R Bridgeman (Apologies)
  • A Comber
  • G Derrick
  • D Fairbrother
  • S Fairbrother
  • G Hamilton
  • S Lawson (Apologies)
  • G Lynch
  • P Mills (Apologies)
  • R Patten (Vice-Chair of the Council)
  • R Spittle (Apologies)
  • L Ventriglia
  • I Wallace (Apologies)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements (Town Clerk)
  • Mrs D Jimpson (Business and Development Manager)
  • District Councillor McCallum (Up to Minute Number 16)
  • District Councillor Mower (Up to Minute Number 16)
  • Two Members of the Public
  1. Welcome and to Receive Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Meeting, including new Town Councillor Ventriglia. Apologies for absence were received from Town Councillors Bridgeman, Mills, Spittle and Wallace. Also, Apologies for absence were received from Town, District and County Councillor Lawson and County Councillor Whiting.
  2. Declarations of Interest – The following Declarations of Interest were made. (Full details in the Interest Book).
  3. Minutes of the last Full Town Council Meeting held on the 19th June 2017. These Minutes were received, considered and agreed, following the vote. (Copy in Minute Book).
  4. Clerks Report/Update

Minute Number 16 Spark (Sport and Recreation in Kesgrave) Councillors noted that Spark has elected Mr Charles Rayworth as the Spark Projects Representation to the Town Council. Councillor Mills will remain as the Spark general Representative for the Town Council.

  1. Chairman’s Communications The Chairman – Town Councillor Beecroft-Smith was delighted to welcome Town Councillor Sue Ventriglia to her first full Meeting of the Council. The Chairman was pleased that some excellent progress has been made with the emerging Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan and thanked the small pro-active Working Party for their hard work and commitment at the public engagement sessions on the

4th, 6th and 8th July 2017 at various venues around the Town. Councillor Beecroft-Smith advised Councillors that Councillor Athwall had kindly attended the Suffolk Day on the 21st June 2017 on behalf of the Town Council, in order to help the Mayor of Ipswich – Councillor Sarah Barber to celebrate the importance of the shared heritage and traditions in Suffolk. The Chairman also attended Councillor Sarah Barber’s Civic Reception on the 21st July 2017.

  1. Members of the Public One Member of the Public spoke and congratulated Town Councillor Ventriglia on her appointment and asked for her to communicate a short verbal Resume on her background and experience. Councillor Ventriglia updated the Members of the Public in this regard. (Councillors have already received, considered and noted the said Resume as part of the co-option casual Town Councillor vacancy process).
  2. County and District Councillors Reports – Councillors received and noted the written Reports, verbal presentations and asked questions and raised points of clarification. (Copies with Minute Book).

County Councillor Lawson’s written County Report referred to his attendance at various training sessions and site Meetings in order to assist him in his newly elected County Councillor role. County Councillor Lawson referred to his new role as Vice-Chairman of the County Rights of Way Committee. He advised Councillors about the roadworks at the junction of Bell Lane and Beech Road where overnight work will be carried out to minimise disruption from the 24th July 2017.

District Councillor Lawson’s written District Report was received and noted.


His Report included updates on the District’s Asset Management Team changes and advised that Transfer of Land and Open Spaces will be included on the Cabinet agenda for the 5th September 2017 Meeting. District Councillor Lawson referred to the agreement with NORSE regarding maintenance and repairs in shorter timescales to play areas and confirmation that his Enabling Communities Budget (ECB) is nearly spent for the last financial year and he also made reference to the East Suffolk Partnership and the £50,000 in funding initiative. District Councillor Lawson also referred to various other matters as already fully detailed in District Councillor Mower’s written Report below.

District Councillor Lynch did not submit a written Report. He verbally updated the Meeting regarding the District Council’s Scrutiny Committee and the imminent Meeting with the District Council and Openreach BT relating to the upgrading of broadband and high-speed fibre connections in Kesgrave.

District Councillor McCallum updated the Meeting with regard to grass cutting matters that she has assisted with resolving in Kesgrave. She advised that a revised planning application relating to 79 Dobbs Lane is imminent in view of the recent enforcement issues with the present proposals. District Councillor McCallum advised Councillors that with regard to Kesgrave Cricket Club, contributions towards the new nets project had been made via her District Enabling Communities Budget (ECB) together with the ECB contributions of other District Councillors. She provided an update regarding Flagship Homes and The Walk, Kesgrave, where social housing/sheltered accommodation is provided for Kesgrave residents. Via the ECB with other District Councillors, District Councillor McCallum has been assisting with a project to update the Day Room in partnership with Spark (Sports and Recreation in Kesgrave). Due to personal commitments and family ill-health District Councillor McCallum advised Councillors that she would like some help with the next community fireworks event. She advised the Meeting that the bollard fixed at Pilboroughs Walk will be reinstated, which should give local people some reassurance with regard to this open space area. Councillor McCallum provided Councillors with a detailed update regarding the Public Inquiry relating to the proposal of 300 dwellings on Land off of Bell Lane/Longstrops.

District Councillor Mower’s written report was received and noted, including updates on the Suffolk Show and the District Council’s “Get Active in Suffolk Coastal” stand and promotion of the East Suffolk Business Plan to increase access to quality leisure, cultural facilities and activities that support and promote healthier lifestyles. She reported on the highly successful Suffolk Armed Forces Weekend 2017 at Felixstowe in June, Art coming to East Suffolk House and the commissioning of some art from the local community for the new District Council headquarters, with a deadline for submissions by the 25th August 2017, the success of Extra Electrical Recycling Banks which are currently being trialled in Woodbridge and Saxmundham, the Return of Woman on Wheels and the cycling initiative to support the Suffolk Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, which links to the Women’s Tour and Tour of Britain which comes to Suffolk on Friday, 8th September 2017 and Funding for Activity Providers, where the deadline for applications is Friday, 18th August 2017.

  1. Fully-Funded PCSO Report & Safer Neighbourhood Team Police Report in Partnership with Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council June 2017 – Councillors received and noted the June 2017 PCSO Report. (Copies in Minute Book). The Report includes details about an Arson and Theft incidents where the Arson offence took place in Dobbs Lane.

The youths in question have been interviewed following identification via CCTV footage in a local shop. The youths also stole the lighters, matches, lighter fuel and face masks from the said store and have been banned for life countrywide from this group of stores. The PCSO has attended a community stakeholder meeting at Kesgrave High School and has issued an advisory Police letter to parents/guardians regarding parking safely, sensibility and legally in the area near to the High School, where further steps are planned in conjunction with the County Council’s Highway Department. The PCSO has also issued a fixed penalty notice with regard to a commercial vehicle which was causing a visual obstruction on Ropes Drive, he has asked for vehicles to be removed which have been advertised for sale in a permitted parking area in the layby on the Main Road (A1214) and the junction with Edmonton Road, the PCSO has attended Kesgrave High School in order to give a Police presence for the landing of an Apache helicopter from Wattisham Airfield within the School grounds, he reported on his late working shift on the 30th June 2017, alerts to local residents and businesses about high numbers of burglaries to both residential and commercial properties and an update with regard to the crime mapping website which has been updated and now more accurately reflects crimes committed. Councillors also noted the Ipswich East Safer Neighbourhood Team Police Report dated the 24th July 2017 and noted that since the last full Town Council Meeting on the 19th June 2017 a total of 24 various crimes have been recorded in Kesgrave. (Full details available upon request).

  1. Finance and Governance

Schedule of Accounts – Councillors received, considered and approved, following the vote, payments in the sum of £41,252.14. (Copy with Minute Book).

PCSO Refund Councillors noted the refund of £344.09 as a result of the PCSO abstractions during 2016/17.

1st Quarter Budget Reports These Reports were received, considered and agreed, following the clarification on some of the details and the subsequent vote.

Kesgrave Lawn Cemetery – Following a discussion, consideration and subsequent vote, it was agreed to refund the fees for a reserved, now cancelled cremation plot, subject to the retention of an administration fee of £30.00.

  1. Planning and Development Committee Meetings Minutes – 19th June 2017, 3rd July 2017 and 17th July 2017– Councillors received and noted the Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on the 19th June 2017, 3rd July 2017 and the 17th July 2017. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).
  2. Working Party Meetings

Play Area and  Open  Spaces Working  Party Meeting    17th  July 2017  – Councillors received, considered and agreed these Minutes, following the vote.

(Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

Neighbourhood Plan Working Party Meeting Minutes22nd June 2017 – Councillors received, considered and agreed these Minutes. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).


Neighbourhood Plan Public Engagement Sessions 4th, 6th and 8th July 2017

– Councillors received a verbal update from Councillor Patten.

A full and detailed discussion ensued with regard to progressing the Neighbourhood Plan.

  1. Community Services Matters

Community and Recreation Committee Meeting 3rd  July 2017 – Councillors received and agreed the Minutes of the Community and Recreation Committee

Meeting Minutes held on the 3rd July 2017, including the financial aspects. (Minutes in relevant Minute Book).

Kesgrave Market Following a discussion and the subsequent vote, it was agreed to proceed with the Market event cards to promote the Council’s Market at a cost of around £30.

Coffee Van Junior Park Run (Sunday Mornings) – Following the vote, it was agreed to allow to allow this facility on a trial period, where it was noted that The Kesgrave Covenant (the landowner) and the Junior Park Run (Sunday Mornings) have raised no objections.

  1. Report from the Clerk and Press Officer Councillors received and noted the written Report and update, including the latest local publications, press, radio and social media articles and photograph details. These included: details regarding the Senior Citizens Outing on Wednesday, 16th August to The Hut, Felixstowe, the Graffiti Art Workshop on Wednesday 9th August 2017 from 2pm – 4pm at the Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) and the Rapping and Beat-Boxing Workshop on Tuesday, 15th August 2017 also at the MJH.
  2. Chairman/Clerk Other/Urgent Communications The Chairman asked Councillors to look at the final draft of the Kesgrave Town Guide, (tabled at the Meeting) and subject to proof-reading to agree the details, with the final print and distribution – scheduled by the end of August 2017. Following the vote, it was agreed to progress the Guide further.
  3. SALC (Suffolk Association of Local Councils) Area Meeting 19th June 2017 – Councillors received and noted the written Report and verbal update from Councillor Archer, the SALC Representative, where Ms Sue Hall the Town Council’s Transport Liaison Officer also attended the Meeting with regard to the agenda item relating to transport matters.
  4. Office Efficiencies Town Council Offices The Chairman advised Councillors that a review has been undertaken regarding the current office systems in order to improve the efficiency, safeguarding/security and time management of the office. A full and detailed discussion ensued, where it was noted that the cost of enhancing the software would be around £600, where there is provision in the current budget for upgrading and replacement of ICT within the office. The software proposed is Office 360 E3 Government edition. Concerns were raised about the current rises in cyber- crime which is becoming more sophisticated.


Quality Town Status was discussed at length in conjunction with the accreditation towards this status, subject to the sufficient percentage (two-thirds) of elected Town Councillors at the next local election. The Chairman agreed to distribute full details about this scheme to Councillors. He emphasised the importance of on-line services and the transparency of the Town Council, going forward. The pros and cons of this scheme were discussed and various points clarified. It was agreed following the vote, to discuss and consider these matters further at the next Finance and Governance Committee Meeting on the 4th September 2017.

District Councillors McCallum and Mower left the Meeting at this point.

  1. KALGA (Kesgrave Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Association Ltd) Open

Day Sunday, 20th August 2017 at 12 noon – Allotment Site – Playford Road, Rushmere – Following the invitation to all Town Councillors to attend this event, the following Councillors agreed to attend: Councillors Archer, Athwall and Ventriglia.

  1. Newsletters & Circulars – the latest publications were received and noted:-The Flyer; Intouch.
  2. Resolution to exclude the Public and the PressThe Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Council considered and agreed, following the vote, to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.
  3. Confidential Meeting Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 19th June 2017 – The Council is asked to receive, consider and agree the Confidential Meeting

Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 19th June 2017. (Minutes in Confidential Minute Book).

  1. Kesgrave Town Council Youth Club – The Council will receive an update on the latest position, including a verbal update from Councillor Patten following on from the confidential Working Party Meeting held on the 10th July 2017 and will be asked to receive, consider and agree the next stages.
  2. Staff Resources and Additional Hours – The Council will receive an update on Officer Staffing and is asked to consider and agree Officer additional hours for large projects including the Kesgrave Neighbourhood Plan.

Date of the next Full Town Council Meeting – Monday, 11th September 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber, Kesgrave Town Council Offices.

This part of the Meeting concluded in order to facilitate the second and confidential section of the Meeting in order to consider and agree the confidential matter.


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