
Who to contact

Over the winter months flooding can cause persistent and damaging issues for local communities. Despite the disruption this can cause, it can also be quite difficult to know who to report flooding to since there can be a number of different organisations (known as flood risk management authorities) who might have responsibility or involvement in an incident.

Flood and Water Management at Suffolk County Council have created a “Report a flood in Suffolk” webpage to help identify which organisation you should report your flood to, and provides links to try and make this process as simple as possible .

Historically, flooding tends to go under-reported due to the fear of an increase in insurance costs, but a new government scheme known as “Flood Re” has helped to significantly reduce the burden on homeowners. You can find more information on Flooding Re here. So if you are aware of any areas which may have suffered from flooding, you are encourages to use the reporting tool and make the relevant risk management authorities aware.

You can also find plenty more information on a number of different flooding and drainage issues (such as ditches, highway drainage, and the responsibilities of private owners) on the following website: www.suffolk.gov.uk/flooding.

Town Council Office Opening Hours Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am - 1.00pm

Thursday Closed

Up and coming meetings

march, 2025

31mar6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

31mar7:15 pmKesgrave Town Council Meeting