Finance & Governance, September 4th

Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.


Planning & Development Minutes PDF

Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee

  • Held on 4th September 2017




  • A Athwall
  • Beecroft-Smith (Vice Chair of Committee) A Comber
  • D Fairbrother (Chair of Committee) S Fairbrother (Apologies)
  • G Lynch
  • P Mills (Apologies) R Patten
  • R Spittle
  • I Wallace (Not Present and No Apologies for Absence given)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs J Abbott (Service Development Administrator)
  • Mrs S Clements (Clerk)
  • Councillor S Ventriglia
  1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S Fairbrother and Mills. Councillor Wallace was not present and did not give his apologies for absence.
  2. Declaration of Interests – The following declarations of interest were made;
  3. Minutes of the Last Finance and Governance Committee Meeting -The Committee received, considered and agreed, following the vote, the Minutes from the last Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 5th June 2017. (Copy in Minute Book).
  1. Clerks/Officer Report/Update
  • Matters Arising Minute Number 8 – Grants – Suffolk Accident and Rescue Service – The Committee received and noted the thank you for the grant of £250.00.
  • Matters Arising Minute Number 8 Grants – Lighthouse Women’s Aid– The Committee received and noted the thank you for the grant of £250.00.
  • Matters Arising Minute Number 8 – Grants – Fields (formerly Kesgrave Christian Family Church)– The Committee received and noted the thank you for the grant of £350.00 towards the Cinema project.
  1. Members of the Public – There were no members of the public present.
  2. Grants – The Committee received, considered and agreed, following the vote, to approve the 1st quarter grant of £2,875 to Kesgrave Library, following receipt of the 1st Quarter 2017/8 report and approve payment of £2,875. The Committee noted that following the Suffolk Library review, that no jobs will be lost in Kesgrave.
  3. Bank Reconciliation – Councillors received, considered and agreed to these details, following the vote.
  4. PCSO Change in Shift – Councillors noted the PCSO permission for a change of shift pattern from day to night to deal with some predicted anti-social behaviour on 10th and 11th August 2017. This was agreed with the Chairman of the Council.
  5. Office Efficiencies (Town Council Offices) – Councillors received and considered the details regarding these proposals for change in order to streamline and improve the office administration of the Council which are well within the current budget. It noted that the upgrades would improve time-management and also security/possible cyber-attacks and would comply more fully with the new Data Protection reforms. A full and detailed discussion ensued regarding the Council’s current ICT service and how the service provided needs to evolve with the ever changing and increased service levels of the Council. It was agreed, following the vote, to ask for further information from Ipswich Computer Services. The Committee asked that the company should provide further information and make observations regarding the Government scheme. A quote for the two versions and set up costs should be obtained and brought back to the next Committee to consider further.

The Quality Council status requirements were received, considered and noted. A full and detailed discussion ensued. Councillors are aware that the Town Council is complying with the majority of the criteria checklist, with the exception of at least two thirds of its Councillors being elected, and its Clerk being up to date with the CiLCA, (Certificate in Local Council Administration) Level 3 of the National Qualification Framework (NQF), although the Business and Development

Manager’s training is up to date. It was noted that the CiLCA will involve £250 for training, plus £250 for registration, in additional to 200 hours of work at the Town Clerk’s hourly rate of pay. The aforementioned was agreed following the vote.

  1. Reform of Data Protection Legislation & the new General Data Protection Legislation Regulation (GDPR) – Councillors received an update on the imminent changes to the law effective from the 25th May 2018 and noted the SALC (Suffolk Association of Local Councils) training sessions arranged, where Mrs Jimpson and Councillor Derrick will attend these nominally priced sessions at the beginning of next month. The Committee noted that the Staff Handbook has been updated to reflect the changes in the law. This legislation replaces the Data Protection Act 1998. It is necessary to audit the data which the Council holds and its purposes. (This has already been completed). It is also necessary to appoint a Data Protection Officer and this is the Clerk. The Clerk is responsible for informing and advising the Council and its Staff about their obligations to comply with the GDPR, to monitor compliance with the GDPR including managing internal data protection activities, advise on data protection impact assessments, train Staff and conduct internal audits and to be the first point of contact for the regulator and for individuals whose data is processed.
  2. Training – The Committee considered the request received for attendance at a two days event Chairman’s Leadership Skills course at SALC, (Suffolk Association of Local Councils), by the Chair of one of its Working Party Forums. It noted that the cost would be £100 for both days. Following the vote, this was agreed, as there is provision in the Budget for this training.
  1. Items of sufficient urgency and importance – There were no matters.
  2. Date of Next Meeting – The next Meeting is on Monday, 13th November 2017 at 15pm in the Council Chamber of the Town Council Offices.
  3. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Members raised no items for discussion at the next Meeting. Budget matters were noted in order to ensure that all appropriate areas are included, for example street furniture and play equipment. Councillors asked for the Draft Budget papers to be issued well in advance of the next Budget Finance and Governance Committee Meeting, hardcopies, if required can be requested from the office. Any items prior to the next Meeting should be notified to the Clerk, well in advance of the Agenda being finalised and distributed.
  4. Resolution to exclude the Public and the Press – The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Committee is asked to consider and agree to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.
  5. Confidential Minutes of the Last Finance and Governance Committee Meeting – The Committee is asked to receive and note the Minutes from the last Confidential Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 5th June 2017. (Already approved by the full Town Council on the 19th June 2017). (Copy in Confidential Minute Book).
  6. Youth Club Restructure and Review – The Committee will receive an update.
  7. Staffing, Pension Provision and Resources Update – The Committee will receive an update on Officer Staffing.
  8. Kesgrave Fun Day 2018 Resourcing – The Committee is asked to consider and agree the planning, coordinating and resourcing for this successful event, in order for it to take place again in June 2018.
  9. Performance Development Plans (PDPs) – The Committee will receive an

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Up and coming meetings

march, 2025

17mar6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

17mar7:15 pmCommunity and Recreation Committee MeetingMeeting held at 7.15pm

31mar6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

31mar7:15 pmKesgrave Town Council Meeting