Finance & Governance, June 5th

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

Finance & Governance PDF

Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee

  • Held on 5th June 2017 (Part 1)



  • A Athwall
  • Beecroft-Smith (Vice Chair of Committee)
  • A Comber (Apologies)
  • D Fairbrother (Chair of Committee)
  • S Fairbrother
  • G Lynch
  • P Mills
  • R Patten
  • R Spittle (Apologies)
  • I Wallace (Not Present and No Apologies for Absence given)

In Attendance:

  • Mrs S Clements (Clerk)
  • Mrs D Jimpson (Business and Development Manager)
  1. Election of Chair – The Chairman of the Council took the Chair for this item. It was proposed, seconded and agreed following the vote, that Councillor D Fairbrother will Chair this Committee for the ensuing year.

The new Chair of this Committee – Councillor D Fairbrother asked for one minute silence in memory and honour of the recent terrorist attack in London.

  1. Vice Chairman Councillor D Fairbrother took the Chair from this point. It was proposed, seconded and agreed following the vote, that Councillor Beecroft-Smith will be the Vice Chair of this Committee for the ensuing year.
  2. Welcome and Apologies for Absence – The Chairman welcomed those present. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Comber and Spittle. Councillor Wallace was not present and had not sent his apologies for absence.
  3. Declaration of Interests – There were no declarations of interest.
  4. Minutes of the Last Finance and Governance Committee Meeting -The Committee received, considered and agreed, following the vote, the Minutes from the last Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 24th April 2017. (Copy in Minute Book).
  5. Clerks/Officer Report/Update – There were no updates to report.
  6. Members of the Public – There were no members of the public present.
  7. Grants – The Committee received, considered and agreed, following the vote:

The Lighthouse Woman’s Aid – £250

Kesgrave Family Christian Church – Community Pop-Up Cinema – £350 Suffolk Accident and Rescue Service – £250

  1. Bank Reconciliation – Councillors received, considered and agreed to these details, following the vote. It was requested that going forward a voucher number column should be added to the Petty Cash book.
  2. CIL (Community Infrastructure Payment) – Councillors received and noted the amount of CIL received for 2016-2017 being £2,531.36. Following a discussion it was suggested that these funds should be used to provide play area equipment, at a location to be decided in the future. The spending deadlines were noted.
  3. PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) – Following a full and detailed discussion and the subsequent vote, it was agreed for 5 overtime hours of work (as required and appropriate), in the event of any urgent incidents or requirements, with delegated powers to the Business and Development Manager or Clerk, after the prior approval of the Chairman of the Council or Chairman of this Committee, (outside of Meetings). Councillors noted that members of the public have recently requested Policing in certain areas of the Town such as the Teen Shelter, in order to assist further with anti-social behaviour.
  4. Funds held on behalf of other organisations – Mrs Jimpson advised the Committee that she had liaised with the auditor and it was considered that it is still feasible to hold the funds for the Firework event, as the Town Council has previously carried out this function when it had Power of Competence, and they were able to continue with procedures that had been started using this power. Mrs Jimpson reported that currently the funds held cover the cost of an entire event and therefore there are no financial implications for the council. Mrs Jimpson recommended that the funding should be reviewed on an annual basis in January/February.
  5. Items of sufficient urgency and importance – It was requested that Councillors have sight of the Town Council Guide Website before it is shown at the Kesgrave Fun day. Mrs Jimpson will contact the provider to obtain a link.
  6. Neighbourhood Plan Budget The Committee considered and agreed, following the vote, that the Planning and Development Committee oversees this Budget on behalf of the Town Council and reports back with updates.
  7. Date of Next Meeting – The next Meeting is on Monday, 4th September 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber of the Town Council Offices.
  8. Agenda Items for Next Meeting – Members raised no items for discussion at the next Any items prior to the next Meeting should be notified to the Clerk, well in advance of the Agenda being finalised and distributed.
  9. Resolution to exclude the Public and the Press – The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 – The Committee is asked to consider and agree to exclude the Public and the Press, since publicity would legally prejudice commercial sensitivity and confidentially.
  10. Confidential Minutes of the Last Finance and Governance Committee Meeting – The Committee is asked to receive, consider and agree, following the vote, the Minutes from the last Confidential Finance and Governance Committee Meeting held on the 24th April 2017. (Copy in Confidential Minute Book).
  1. Youth Club Restructure and Review – The Committee will receive an update.
  2. Neighbourhood Plan Resources – The Committee is asked to consider and agree this staffing matter further.

This part of the Meeting closed in order to facilitate the confidential part of this Meeting.


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