Fido Bins

Where to find them

Many dog walkers use the same route every day and perhaps because of this dogs anticipate their opportunity to relieve themselves and do so in the wrong place. Unfortunately, not all dogs owners pick up what their dog leaves behind and it’s left to some unsuspecting person, usually a child, to pick it up on their shoes. Anyone who has experienced this will know how invasive the smell of dog dirt can be and trying to get rid of it from the ridges of modern shoes and trainers is dreadfully difficult. So please, when you take your dog for a walk equip yourself with a bag to pick up the mess and then pop it into one of the many fido bins. Bags, specifically for the purpose can be purchased at the Council office at 60p for a roll of 50 bags.

There are many fido bins around the town which are well used and many have been installed, and replaced when burnt out, using Town Council funds. Once in place Suffolk Coastal empty them on a weekly schedule and twice weekly for the bins along Long Strops. A new type of bin is now being used in some places as this is “non-retrievable”. For some reason occasionally full bags are being taken from the bins and thrown into nearby gardens – a strange occupation and one which might raise questions in parents minds if hands and clothes are not smelling quite as sweet as they might! The new bin will prevent this being possible but will inevitably be more expensive.

As new residents move into the area and dog ownership increases new sites for fido bins arise. If you know of a place where many dogs owners would appreciate a fido bin please contact the Council.

The sites where fido and litter bins can be found are shown on the notice boards at the Rupert Fison Centre or a can be downloaded below. Over 150 of these are in place.

  • Map
  • Information on reporting dog fouling can be found here


Town Council Office Opening Hours Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 9am - 1.00pm

Thursday Closed

Up and coming meetings

march, 2025

31mar6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

31mar7:15 pmKesgrave Town Council Meeting