East Suffolk households asked to follow bin rules

Households in East Suffolk are being reminded to follow bin guidelines as more household waste is created during national Covid-19 restrictions.

People are spending more time at home due to national Covid-19 restrictions and East Suffolk Council is asking households to ensure they’re following the bin guidelines set out by the Council to help refuse teams efficiently provide an essential service.

Cllr James Mallinder, cabinet member for the Environment, said: “With more people spending time at home due to national restrictions, we’re seeing more household waste than ever before, putting added pressure on our refuse teams. Unfortunately, we’re also seeing an increase in bad bin etiquettes, which can not only prevent the refuse team from collecting waste but be a nuisance to neighbours and obstruct footpaths.

“Our refuse teams are working extremely hard under very difficult circumstance, so it is very important that we all do our bit to help them provide this essential service that we’re all relying on more than ever and there are some very simple guidelines we can all follow to do so.”

To help ensure an efficient refuse service, East Suffolk Council is asking that households follow a few simple guidelines as set out below:

  • Put bins out by 6am latest on collection day
  • Recycle where possible through the blue bin
  • Present bin at the boundary of your property where your access meets the public highway or other agreed collection point
  • Don’t force too much waste into a bin as it can stick inside, meaning it won’t come out when emptied
  • Ensure bins do not contain any incorrect items, as it may not be emptied
  • Ensure the lid on bins are closed for collections, otherwise we won’t be able to empty it
  • Take bins in as soon as possible after collection as they can cause a serious obstructions and block access, particularly when left on public pavements and access ways

Visit the Council’s website for more information on what items goes into what bin, to check your bin collection day and to report a missed bin collection: www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/waste/waste-collection-and-disposal/refuse-collection/

As part its commitment to the environment, East Suffolk Council is also urging people to recycle right and waste less.

Cllr Mallinder said: “The majority of households in East Suffolk are good at recycling, but as we continue to deal with the challenges of climate change there is still a lot more we need to do to ensure we’re recycling the right items.

“Confusion can cause spoiled bins, so we are determined to help households reduce the amount of wrong items they put in their recycling bins by making sure they know what can and cannot be recycled. This is important because there is a threshold of how much spoiled waste a truck load can have before it is rejected, so we need to make sure we are recycling right.

“East Suffolk Council declared a climate emergency last year and we all have a role to play in making better decisions for the sake of our environment. By thinking about how we dispose of our waste and making the right decisions, we all contribute to a solution. These small changes in our behaviour will make a big difference over time.”

To help reduce the number of spoiled bins, the Suffolk Waste Partnership has produced a new recycling leaflet which is currently being distributed to all households in East Suffolk. The leaflet contains information on what can and cannot be recycled at home as well as tips on how to recycle other items not accepted in the household bins.

You can also find the new recycling leaflet at www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/recycling

To ensure that household waste and recycling collections are prioritised during the current restrictions, East Suffolk Council and East Suffolk Norse has temporarily suspended the bulky waste collection service – which offers the collection and disposal of larger items such as fridges, washing machines and sofas until further notice.

Cllr Mallinder said: “We appreciate suspending this service may cause some inconvenience however it is something we must do to ensure we can continue to deliver our essential refuse and recycling collections.

“Suffolk’s Recycling Centres remain open at this time and anyone wishing to dispose of unwanted household items can book a slot at their nearest centre. Alternatively, we would ask residents to store any large unwanted items until the bulky waste service resumes.

“We would also remind residents to be cautious if choosing to use a private waste removal company and to always check they are a licensed waste carrier. It is important to keep a record of the company or person’s name taking waste away on your behalf. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people who charge for removing household waste and then fly-tip it; householders have a ‘duty of care’ to do all they can to ensure their waste is disposed of properly.”

To book a slot at one of Suffolk’s Recycling Centres, go to https://suffolkrecycling.org.uk/where-to-recycle/recycling-centres/suffolk-recycling-centres-booking-page

To check whether a company is a licensed waste carrier, go to https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers

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