Community and Recreation, May 22nd 2017

Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

KESGRAVE TOWN COUNCIL Community and Recreation Committee Minutes Minutes of the Meeting of the Community and Recreation Committee held on the 22 May 2017 at Kesgrave Town Council Offices

Councillors Present: Councillor A Comber (Chair of this Committee) Councillor G Lynch Councillor R Patten Councillor S Fairbrother Councillor D Fairbrother Councillor R Bridgeman (Vice-Chair of this Committee) Councillor G Derrick Councillor G Hamilton Councillor N Beecroft-Smith Councillor P Mills Councillor S Lawson

In Attendance:

  • Mrs Diane Jimpson (Finance and Development Manager)
  • Mrs Christine Marsh (Service Development Co-ordinator)
  • Mrs Joanna Abbott (Service Development Administrator)
  • Councillor K Archer

1. Election of Chair – The Chairman of the Council took the Chair for this item. It was proposed, seconded and subsequently agreed via the vote that Councillor Comber serve as Chair of this Committee for the ensuing year. Councillor Comber took the Chair for the rest of the Meeting.

2. Election of Vice Chairman – It was proposed, seconded and subsequently agreed via the vote that Councillor Bridgeman serve as Vice Chair of this Committee for the ensuing year.

3. Welcome and Apologies for absence – The Chair welcomed those present. There were no apologies for absence.

4. Declaration of interests – Noted in the declaration of interests folder. Non Pecuniary – Item 10 Councillor Comber. Items 16, 17 and 19 Councillors S Fairbrother and D Fairbrother.

5. Minutes of the last meeting – The Minutes of the Community and Recreation Committee Meeting held on the 20 March 2017 were received, considered and approved. (Copy with Minutes).

6. Officers report/update/matters arising – Mrs Jimpson reported that the letter requesting the £6,000 Youth Club grant had been sent to SPARK and as a result SPARK had decided to defer their decision until the Town Councils review of the service is complete. Mrs Marsh confirmed that SCDC had given approval for a memorial bench to be placed in the open space at the end of Largent Grove. The bench is expected to arrive on 24 May 2017. Mrs Abbott advised that there was 2 nothing further to report regarding the ‘Battle’s Over – A Nation’s tribute 11 November 2018.

7. Members of the public – there were no members of the public present.

8. Youth Club – o The Tuesday Youth Club leader was not in attendance. Mrs Jimpson reported that attendance was averaging 15 a week. The Youth Leader and one worker attended two school assemblies to encourage more young people to attend. One Youth worker attended Level 2 Youth Worker training during May. o There were no reportable incidences. o The Committee noted that a review of the Youth Club service was currently taking place.

9. Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) – o Usage has been reduced to 44% of capacity on weekdays during term time as a result of the playschool reducing their hours from 27 to 21 per week. An article has been produced for the July InTouch magazine advertising the vacant slots. The new Council website will also enable us to advertise and post to social media. o Café 66 are running from the MJH on a Saturday morning in conjunction with the Park Run, this is initially a one month trial. o Mrs Jimpson advised that she would meeting with the caretakers to discuss the cleaning service provided by SC Norse following complaints from hirers. o Mrs Jimpson advised that we should provide the caretakers with badges to enable the public to identify them as Kesgrave Town Council staff. Councillor Beecroft-Smith reported that the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group had recommended that badges should be produced for them to wear at the public engagement sessions. After the vote it was agreed that photo badges could be purchased for all Staff, Councillors and Neighbourhood Working Party members.

10. Kesgrave Market – o Mrs Jimpson reported that the May market was a ‘Love your Market’ event. SCDC provided free reusable bags, stickers, flags, vouchers and banners. Councillor Comber advised that there was a slow but steady attendance for this month, and advised that generally he believes the market is attended by approximately 300 people.

11. Grounds Maintenance Contracts – Mrs Marsh provided a comprehensive breakdown of all grounds services that the Council is responsible for, including service provider and individual costings. After the vote it was agreed that the current use of different providers, who all provide set skills and experience in their own field of work, would be continued with, and that this should be reviewed on an annual basis.

12. Kesgrave Community Litter Pick – This was held on Saturday 22nd May and had been a great success. Despite the weather approximately 50 people turned up, all collecting at least one bag of rubbish, which will be collected by SC Norse.

13. Mobile Skate Park Half Term Week Commencing 29th May – The volunteers have all been trained, the equipment is in the process of being revamped, and the poster has been forwarded to the schools and put on the noticeboards. There will be two sessions a day from 30th May to 2nd June.

14. Kesgrave Big Lunch Fun Day 10 June 2017 – Final preparations for the event continue. In Touch have printed the poster on the front page of the June edition, and included a fantastic free pull-out programme for use on the day. Councillors 3 were asked to support the event on the day and advised that help would also be required to set up/mark out on the Friday evening.

15. Senior Citizen’s Outing 16 August 2017 – The advert has appeared in the In Touch June edition and will be repeated in the July edition. Forms will be available to download from the website.

16. Cedarwood Green – The Committee noted that a new sign had been installed and that maintenance work to paint the lamp post, teen shelter and replace the litter bin would be completed imminently.

17. Motorcycles on the Footpath – Bull Drive – The office had received complaints from local residents regarding motor bikes riding on the footpath from Bull Drive and also parking issues in Peart Grove. A local resident has requested a barrier to be erected at the end of the pathway that leads from Bull Drive, this request had been made previously in 2015 and 2016. The Town Council had investigated with SCC Highways who stated that any barrier would make it difficult for disabled vehicles or double buggies to access the area and therefore this was not a viable option. PCSO Sarbutts has been advised of all these current issues, as they are Police Enforcement matters, he will be taking a zero tolerance approach with these offences. He will be completing some evening shifts to tackle these problems.

18. Kesgrave Walk – the Committee noted that the next walk will be held in October 2017 and the exact date will be advertised in September.

19. Play Areas, Open Spaces, Inc. Oak Meadow o All the play equipment has now been installed in Oak Meadow apart from the Zip-Wire which will be installed at the end of May. o SCDC have not reported back on the possible adoption of Holly Gardens or Grange meadow play area. Councillor Lawson advised that he believed this will be a future agenda item for SCDC. o The Committee noted that all emergency tree works have now been completed.

20. Suggestions for the Press and Media – It was agreed that this has been covered by previous agenda items.

21. Matters of sufficient urgency and importance – It was requested that tidying up of Laurel bushes around trees on Legion Green should be completed.

22. Agenda items for next meeting – o Fenton’s Wood – request for update (Possible Community Asset). o Aerial Green – request for update (Ownership process) o Play Equipment – Possible installation on Millennium Sports Field

23. Date of Next Meeting – It was noted that this is scheduled for Monday, 3rd July at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber at the Town Council Offices. The meeting closed at 8.15pm.

Signed: Chairman………………………………………..Date……………………

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Up and coming meetings

july, 2024

15jul6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting

20jul9:00 am- 12:00 pmKesgrave MarketCome and try your local Town Market

22jul7:15 pmKesgrave Town Council Meeting

29jul6:15 pmPlanning and Development Meeting