Community & Recreation, July 3rd

Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes will be published within 7 working days after a meeting. Approved minutes will be published within 3 working days of the next meeting.

Community & Recreation Agenda PDF Community & Recreation Minutes PDF

  • Community and Recreation Committee Minutes
  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Community and Recreation Committee held on the 3 July 2017
  • at Kesgrave Town Council Offices

Councillors Present:

  • Councillor A Comber (Chair of this Committee)
  • Councillor G Lynch
  • Councillor R Bridgeman (Vice-Chair of this Committee)
  • Councillor G Derrick
  • Councillor G Hamilton
  • Councillor N Beecroft-Smith

In Attendance:

  • Mrs Christine Marsh (Service Development Co-ordinator)
  • Councillor A Athwall


  • Mrs D Jimpson, (Business and Facilities Manager)
  • Mr A Galloway (Youth Leader)
  • Mrs J Abbott (Service Development Administrator)
  • Councillor P Mills
  • Councillor S Lawson
  • Councillor S Fairbrother
  • Councillor D Fairbrother
  • Councillor R Patten
  1. Welcome and Apologies for absence – The Chair welcomed those present. Apologies for absence were received and noted as above.
  2. Declaration of interests – Noted in the declaration of interests folder. Non Pecuniary – Councillor Comber item 8.
  3. Minutes of the last meeting – The Minutes of the Community and Recreation Committee Meeting held on the 22 May 2017 were received, considered and approved. (Copy with Minutes).
  4. Officer’s report/update/matters arising – All arising matters included in Agenda
  5. Members of the public – Cllr Athwall attended as a Member of the Public. Cllr Hamilton spoke as a Member of the Public to report overgrown vegetation on a footpath between Fairbairn Avenue and Pillbrough’s Walk.
  6. Youth Club

The Tuesday Youth Club leader was not in attendance. Mrs Marsh reported that The Clerk met with the remaining Youth Workers regarding the Review of KTC Youth Provision, she is keen for them to be involved with the review. Staff of the Tuesday Junior Youth Club have expressed a number of ideas and also welcome the review process.

There were no reportable incidences.


There will be a report of usage and finance at the next Community and Recreation Meeting.

  1. Millennium Jubilee Hall (MJH) – Mrs Marsh reported that regular bookings have increased with another fitness operator booking classes and a Karate Club interested in making regular bookings. Usage rates will be included at the next Meeting.
  2. Kesgrave Market – Mrs Marsh reported that the “Love Your Market” initiative had worked well with new marketing materials and attendance being good for a very hot Saturday in June. Cllr. Comber reported that many of the people who had been given a “money off” voucher had returned to redeem the voucher.
  3. Mobile Skate Park – Mrs Marsh reported that 7 of the 8 sessions had gone ahead, one cancelled due to a storm. Sessions well attended by juniors but not as many seniors. All three volunteers manned some of the sessions but Lewis Anderson manned all the sessions. Verbal and written feed-back forms were extremely positive with all saying they would like to do this again. Putting the ramps out and putting away involves great time and physical effort, if sessions were to go ahead in the 6 week School Holidays there would be a single day with a number of sessions planned for it. Mrs Marsh also reported that Mr Anderson would like to pursue running independent sessions himself but requested use of the safety equipment. It was agreed that Mr Anderson could use the equipment for 3 months to assess the viability of his plans.
  4. Kesgrave Big Lunch Fun Day – Mrs Marsh reported that there had been complimentary comments on feedback forms from the stall holders. Cycle Speedway had experienced an influx of new children wanting to join the club session following the event and feedback from stallholders had provided valuable information on amounts of money raised for local good causes and all aspects of the event organisation. Accounts were presented but awaiting confirmation from Tesco Bags for Help and SPARK grant applications to be confirmed. The

Committee agreed to run the event again in 2018 with the title “Kesgrave Fun Day”.

Provisional date is 9 June 2018.

  1. Gazebo and Two-Way-Radio – Councillors discussed and agreed that an offer should be made for both for £350.
  2. Senior Citizen’s Outing 16 August 2017 – Mrs Marsh has carried out a site visit at The Hut in Felixstowe which is extremely well equipped and suitable for the group. Numbers are limited to 50 clients and currently 25 have signed up to go.
  3. Kesgrave High School Engagement with Pupils – Councillors in favour and suggested involving Sharon Evans who was involved in a previous engagement but it was noted that this would be older children (School Year 9 and above).
  4. Play Areas, Open Spaces, Inc. Oak Meadow

An official opening has been arranged for 1.30pm on 4 July, all District and Town Councillors, SPARK and the equipment installers have been invited.

An SCDC meeting of the Cabinet will discuss terms to transfer Holly Gardens to Kesgrave Town Council on 11 July 2017.

Agreed that KTC should pursue ownership of Aerial Green for recreation purposes.

Discussion about putting equipment on Long Strops for teenagers would be pursued by the Working Group.

Agreed to purchase two brightly coloured, vandal proof bins for Oak Meadow Play Area using funds from Oak Meadow reserve.

  1. Suggestions for the Press and Media – It was agreed that this has been covered by previous agenda items.
  2. Fentons Wood – Noted that the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group were considering whether the footpath through Fentons Wood could be recognised on the new definitive map of footpaths being published in 2020.
  3. Matters of sufficient urgency and importance – Comber reported on

“Respect Bollards” which have had some success in reducing anti-social parking in other Towns/Parishes. Suggested following this up with PCSO Sarbutts and the Traffic and Pedestrian Working Group as to whether this would be relevant for Kesgrave.

  1. Agenda items for next meeting

Aerial Green – Process for adoption.

Play Equipment – Holly Gardens and Long Strops

  1. Date of Next Meeting – It was noted that this is scheduled for Monday, 18 September 2017 at 7.15pm in the Council Chamber at the Town Council Offices.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.

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